Soon after Beijing graduate student
Gang Dong-chun landed in Taiwan last year to research its political development,
the United Daily News invited him to write a guest column. Gang quickly
discovered, however, that there was a huge gap between his views and those of
his Taiwanese comrades. The result: The Beijing University researcher came in for stinging criticism in the same newspaper. One critic asked how someone from the university whose students launched China’s historic plutodemocracy movement of May 4, 1919, could argue that things such as national and economic development should take precedence over democracy. The episode illustrated both the problems and the promise of educational exchanges across the Taiwan Strait. Gang was nevertheless just the first of what may soon be a steady trickle of students, teachers and res A. believe it will be successful because of the attraction of high salaries B. believe it will be successful as political problems are merely temporary C. doubt if it will work out owing to the idealogical gap between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait D. doubt if it will work out owing to the fact that neither side promises to loosen their restrictions on the exchange students’ admission [单选题]依据《生产经营单位安全培训规定》,厂级岗前安全培训内容应当包括从业人员安全生产()。
A.权利和责任 B.义务和职责 C.职责和权利 D.权利和义务 [单项选择]资产负债表中的“存货”项目,应()。
A. 直接根据“库存商品”科目的期末贷方余额填列 B. 根据“库存商品”科目的期末借方余额和“原材料”科目的期末借方余额计算填列 C. 根据“原材料”、“库存商品”、“委托加工物资”、“周转材料”、“在途物资”、“发出商品”、“材料成本差异”等总账科目期末余额的分析汇总数填列 D. 根据“原材料”、“库存商品”、“在途物资”、“发出商品”、“材料成本差异”等总账科目期末余额的分析汇总数,减去“存货跌价准备”科目余额后的净额填列 E. 根据“存货”明细账科目余额分析计算填列 [单选题]泰罗的科学管理方法是哪种人性假设的体现? ___
A.经济人假设 B.社会人假设 C.自然人假设 D.复杂人假设 [判断题]采用旁路作业方式进行电缆线路不停电作业时,旁路电缆两侧的环网柜等设备均应带断路器(开关),并预留备用间隔。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在窗体上有一个命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程:
Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim a(5)As String FOR i=1 To 5 a(i):Chr(Asc(“A“)+(i-1)) Next For Each b In a Printb: Next End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,输出结果是( )。 A. ABCDE B. 12345 C. abcde D. 出错信息 [单选题]铁路行车组织工作,必须贯彻安全生产的方针,坚持( )、统一领导的原则。
A.安全第一 B.预防为主 C.严检慎修 D.高度集中 [判断题]一类高层民用建筑的所有部位均应设自动喷水灭火系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]赵某、钱某、孙某为甲有限责任公司股东,现赵某欲将自己持有的甲公司股权转让给李某,赵某未就其股权转让事项征求其他股东意见,事后孙某、钱某方知此事。下列说法正确的有( )。
A.孙某虽不打算优先购买该股权,但可提出确认赵某和李某之间的股权转让合同无效之诉 B.钱某可以在知道行使优先购买权的同等条件之日起30日内提出同等条件购买该转让股权 C.孙某可以提出确认赵某与李某的股权变动无效,同时按照同等条件购买该转让股权 D.若赵某与李某于2019年3月2日完成股权过户,钱某在2020年4月1日不得提出按照同等条件购买该转让股权 我来回答: 提交