In Denver, five were pummeled to death
and two more beheaded. In Richmond, Virginia, one was beaten, stabbed and
beheaded, his head then carried nearly a mile and placed for display on a
footbridge. In Seattle, one was stabbed 18 times, another beaten bloody, then
stabbed. They were all homeless people killed over the last year. And these were just the killings that make the news. Exactly how many homeless people have been victims of savage attacks is unknown. Police departments do not tabulate crimes against homeless people, and in many cases, such as several beatings that have frightened the large homeless population in San Francisco, those who survive attacks often do not report them. In many cases, because many people on the streets are mentally ill or drug addicted or both, they are easier to victimize and harder to help A. Homeless people in the U.S. are often attacked. B. Living on American streets gets more dangerous. C. American young people like violence. D. Homeless people should learn to protect themselves. [多项选择]下列关于签订、履行合同失职被骗罪的说法正确的有()。
A. 本罪属于渎职犯罪 B. 本罪侵犯的客体是公司、企业的管理秩序与国家财产 C. 本罪行为发生在合同签订和履行两个过程中,行为人参与两个过程方可构成犯罪 D. 金融机构工作人员严重不负责任,造成大量外汇被骗购也以本罪论处 E. 致使国家利益遭受重大损失的处以10年以上有期徒刑 [多选题]遇有()时,不得进行起重作业。
A.大雾 B.照明不足 C.指挥人员看不清各工作地点 D.起重机操作人员未获得有效指挥 E.略 F.略 [单选题]下面哪项属于重大事故( )
A.死亡30人的; B.重伤100人(包括急性工业中毒)的; C.直接经济损失5000万元; D.一条或多条线路全线停运48小时; [判断题]链条葫芦起重链可拆成单股使用,但不得打扭。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]运行中接到临时施工调度命令时,必须确认( ),内容不清时,必须联系、确认。
A.影响范围 B.起止里程 C.限制速度 D.行车凭证 [单项选择]四大谴责小说中,为吴趼人所著的是()。
A. 《官场现形记》 B. 《二十年目睹之怪现状》 C. 《老残游记》 D. 《孽海花》 [判断题]贷款新规规定,采用贷款人受托支付方式的,贷款人原则上应在贷款发放当天,将贷款资金通过借款人账户支付给借款人交易对手。
[单选题]下列变量中,属于顺序变量的是( )。
A.行业类别 B.可支配收入 C.受教育水平 D.性别 [单项选择]颊部的血液供应十分丰富,主要来源于
A. 上唇动脉 B. 眶上动脉 C. 下唇动脉 D. 颌外动脉、面横动脉、眶下动脉 E. 面动脉 [单选题]厂区主干道两侧绿化施工等动火等级为()
A.二级 B.三级 C.特级 D.一级 [单选题]下列指令属于准备功能字的是( )。
A.G01 B.M08 C.对01 D.S500 [单选题]低压带电工作时,应( ),站在干燥的绝缘物上进行。
A. 穿绝缘服 B. 穿绝缘服、戴绝缘手套 C. 戴手套、护目镜 D. 穿绝缘服、戴护目镜 我来回答: 提交