The conception of God and nature and of
the relation of man to both provided the 18th- century philosophers with their
faith in the worth and dignity of the individual man and the efficacy of human
reason. The 18th century was the moment in history when men experienced the
first flush and freshness of the idea that man is master of his own fate; the
moment in history, also, when this emancipating idea, not yet brought to the
harsh test of experience, could be accepted with unclouded optimism. Never had the nature seemed less mysterious, more simply constructed, more open and visible and eager to yield its secrets to common-sense questions. Never had the nature of man seemed less perverse, or the intelligence and will of men more pliable (yielding) to rational persuasion. Never had social and political evils seemed so wholly the result of ignorance an A. freedom of the mind B. political science C. justice and equality D. natural rights of man [判断题]正确调整视场光阑的大小,也可提高分辨率。
A.操作人员 B.管理人员 C.主要负责人 D.技术负责人 [判断题]有毒物质密封桶主要用于收集并转运各种有毒物体和污染严重土壤( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在《民用航空通信导航监视工作规则》中规定,()通信主要包括航空固定业务通信、民航专用电话通信、机场移动通信和管制中心间通信等。
A.地地 B.地空 C.平面 D.空空 [单选题] 重复使用上一次的滤镜的快捷键
A. ALT+F B. CTRL.+F C. CTRL+SHIFT+F D. ALT+SHIFT+F [单选题]检修前,应确认与()关联的检修工作已完成。
A.A-检修项目 B.B-检修设备 C.C-检修对象 D.D-检修线路 [单项选择]以土地使用权为出让方式取得的房地产抵押的,所担保债务的履行期限不得超过()
A. 抵押当事人在抵押合同中约定的期限 B. 土地最高使用年限 C. 土地使用权出让合同规定的使用年限 D. 土地使用权出让合同规定的使用年限减去已经使用年限后的剩余年限 [多选题]低压集抄建设工程的验收重点是对( )进行检查确认。
A.工程量 B.施工质量 C.系统上线率 D.数据完整率 [判断题]每天服用维生素E可延缓老年痴呆。
[单项选择]It demands artistic skill for a manager to ______ disputes among his employees.
A. rectify B. rebuke C. negotiate D. reconcile [单选题]当电力线路发生短路故障时,在短路点将会()。
A.产生一个高电压 B.通过很大的短路电流 C.通过一个很小的正常的负荷电流 D.产生零序电流 [单选题]水准测量中,调解微倾螺旋使水准管气泡居中的目的是使( )。
A.竖轴竖直 B.竖轴竖直 C.十字丝横丝竖直 D.十字丝竖丝水平 我来回答: 提交