Advances in computers and data networks inspire visions of a future "information economy" in which everyone will have (1) to gigabytes of all kinds of information anywhere and anytime. (2) information has always been a (3) difficult commodity to deal with, and, in some ways, computers and high-speed networks make the problems of buying, (4) , and distributing information goods worse (5) better. The evolution of the Internet itself (6) serious problems. (7) the Internet has been privatized, several companies are (8) to provide the backbones that will carry traffic (9) local networks, but (10) business models for interconnection—who pays how much for each packet (11) , for example—have (12) to be developed. (13) interconnection standards are developed that make (14) cheap and easy to transmit information across independent networks, comp
A. Because
B. Though
C. But
D. If
Details of telephone charges can be
found at the front of any telephone directory ( 电话簿), where you will see that
the cost of your call will depend not only on the duration and distance but aim
on what time of day the call is made and sometimes on whether or not it is
made at the weekend or during the week. Between most places in Britain it is now
possible to dial direct by STD ( Subscriber Trunk Dialing) (拥护直通长途电话). Charge
rates are higher for calls made from coin - box phones and call offices than for
those made from ordinary lines, and calls connected by the operator are normally
more expensive than calls you dial direct. STD facilities now exist between Britain and most countries in Western Europe and also with a number of other overseas countries beside. Other calls will require the assistance of the operator. Charge rates for internati A. Using the Telephone B. Functions of Telephone C. Telephone Development D. Advantages of a Telephone Directory [单项选择]注射剂中,吐温-80常用作
A. 金属离子络合剂 B. 增溶剂 C. pH调节剂 D. 抗氧剂 E. 等渗调节剂 [单选题]B-B-A-002 4 2 1
OLT通过E1接口与DDN网相连,以( )接入DDN网。 A.数/模转换方式 B.中继方式 C.复用方式 D.交叉连接 [单项选择]记账式国债承销团成员原则上不超过( )家,其中甲类成员不超过20家。
A. 20 B. 40 C. 60 D. 80 [单选题]水解 产物为原生苷元和糖的衍生物的是
A.温和酸水解 B.强酸水解 C.氯化氢一丙酮法 D.酶水解 E.碱水解 [单项选择]各级党委要积极采纳人民政协提出的______,真正使人民政协参政议政成为充分反映民意、广泛集中民智、切实改进工作、提高党的执政能力的有效方式和重要途径。
填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。 A. 崇论宏议 B. 一孔之见 C. 高瞻远瞩 D. 真知灼见 [单选题]20岁男性病人,近来感乏力、食欲不振、夜有盗汗,以往无慢性咳嗽史及肺结核史,X线胸片检查发现右上肺一肋间有片状模糊阴影,内有小透亮区,痰涂片发现抗酸杆菌,应诊断为( )
A. 右上肺原发型肺结核,涂(+),初治 B. 右上肺继发型肺结核,涂(+),初治 C. 右上肺原发型肺结核,涂(+),复治 D. 右上肺继发型肺结核,涂(+),复治 E. 血行播散型肺结核,涂(+),初治 [多选题]在110kV同杆架设的停电线路上装设接地线时,应( )。
A.A-采取措施防止接地线摆动 B.B-与带电的110kV线路满足不少于3.0米安全距离的规定 C.C-使用绝缘棒 D.D-人体不准接触接地线 [单项选择]
{$mediaurl} [单选题]为获得工作所需要的( ),可通过适当回火的配合而调整硬度,减少脆性,得到所需要的韧性和塑性。
A.A.工作性能 B.B.机械性能 C.C.使用性能 D.D.使用条件 [单选题]根据《砌体结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50203-2011),砌筑填充墙时,轻骨料混凝土小型空心砌块和蒸压加气混凝土砌块的产品龄期不应小于( )d。
A.3 B.7 C.21 D.28 我来回答: 提交