Witchcraft, also called black magic, is the power or practices of witches. Western people used to believe that witches had supernatural powers. they were supposed to be able to call up spirits and make them do evil things. Their special helping spirits are called "familiars", who take the form of animals, particularly cats, snakes, owls, and dogs.
Some people believed witches had the power to change into animals. This power enabled them to travel about secretly. Witches also were said to be able to fly. They flew by riding brooms or rakes, or riding magical animals. Witches had great knowledge of how to make magical potions and charms, which were used to change people’s behavior. Witches were believed to be able to see into the future. They were also believed to have the evil eye—that is, the ability to harm or kill by looking. When crops failed, horses ran away, cattle sickened, wagon broke, women miscarried, or storms destroyed house, a witch was a
A. Witches had the ability to change into animals.
B. Witches had the ability to harm or kill by looking.
C. Witches were able to see into the future.
D. Witches were able to change people into animals.
{{B}}第十组:{{/B}} 患者,男性,50岁,酒后上腹痛、腹胀8小时。查体:上腹明显压痛,肌紧张反跳痛,血压 120/80mmHg,脉搏88次/分。 |
{{B}}Turning around a fast-food
chain{{/B}} Sparrow is a well-established fast-food chain, with 200 restaurants run by franchisees, and almost as many company-owned ones. Some A. reduce staffing levels in the restaurants. B. offer financial incentives to new franchisees. C. turn all the restaurants into company-owned outlets. D. ensure that all the restaurants were of the same quality. [简答题]新闻发布会
A. 灭藻 B. 缓蚀阻垢 C. 污泥剥落 D. 絮凝 [单项选择]麻醉前用药的目的,下列哪项是错误的
A. 消除患者紧张心情 B. 提高患者的痛阈 C. 抑制呼吸道腺体的分泌 D. 消除因手术及麻醉引起的不良反射 E. 缩短手术时间 [单选题]下列关于疾病的传播途径和预防措施说法错误的是( )。
A.乙型肝炎、甲型肝炎、百日咳、狂犬病等传染病可以通过接种疫苗来预防 B.麻疹、非典、人禽流感和甲型H1N1流感等疾病可以通过呼吸道传播 C.疟疾、流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)、登革热、艾滋病等可以通过蚊虫叮咬传播 D.细菌性痢疾、伤寒、霍乱、甲肝等可以通过消化道传播 [单选题]金属材料的硬度高,则( )就好。
A.切削性 B.铸造性 C.耐磨性 D.韧性 [判断题]机房信息设备、视频监控、专用空调、电源设备、配电系统、漏水检测系统、门禁系统、机房环境温度、湿度等可不用纳入集中监控系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]严禁用推土机推石灰、烟尘等粉尘物料和用作碾碎石块的作业。
( ) A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]某被保险人向保险公司投保家庭财产保险,保险金额为100万元。在保险期间王某家中失火,当:(1)绝对免赔率为5%,家庭财产损失2万元时,保险公司应赔偿多少?(2)绝对免赔率为5%,家庭财产损失8万元时,保险公司应赔偿多少?(3)相对免赔率为5%,家庭财产损失8万元时,保险公司应赔偿多少?
A. 资料性附录、参考文献、索引 B. 封面、前言、名称、范围 C. 封面、目次、前言、引言 D. 名称、范围、规范性引用文件; E. 术语和定义、符号和缩略语、要求……规范性目录 [判断题]高锰酸钾是一种较强氧化剂,若用高锰酸钾法来测定氧化性物质一般采用返滴定方法。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]制动器所产生的制动力矩应能支持额定载荷的()倍。
A.1 B.1.15 C.1.25 D.1.35 [判断题]动车组车门发生故障时,应立即采取临时安全防护措施。车门紧急解锁拉手使用后必须复位并通知司机。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]GIS、SF6断路器设备内部的绝缘操作杆、盆式绝缘子、支撑绝缘子等部件要求在试验电压下单个绝缘件的局部放电量不大于( )Pc。
A.3 B.5 C.10 D.25 [判断题]驻站联络员(防护员)在 V 形天窗停电点前要与有关车站确认停电作业区的渡线、联络线、电分段、电分相处禁止电力机车通过的限制要求,可以不登入运统-46。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]State financing for higher education has come to $ 100 billion by the end of June, 2005.
[单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定,乘务人员佩戴的外露饰物款式简洁,限( ),女性还可佩戴发夹、发箍或头花及一副直径不超过3毫米的耳钉。
A.A、手表一只 B.B、手表一只、戒指一枚 C.C、手表一只、戒指两枚 D.D、手表一只、手链一串 [单选题]按《建筑施工安全检查标准》分项检查评分表评分时,保证项目中
有一项未得分或者项目小计得分不足( )分,此分项检查表不应得分。 A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 [多选题]下列金属材料牌号中,( )属于有色合金。
A.T2,T3 B.T8,T9 C.Q345,Q460 D.H59,H70 E.HT100,HT200 我来回答: 提交