A proposed Russian ban on European
Union meat exports could jeopardize Russia’s aspirations to join the World Trade
organization next year, the EU trade commissioner, Peter Mandelson, warned
Friday. He warned that several of the 25 EU member states were growing weary of
Russia’s trade tactics and could move to block its WTO bid. He emphasized that the European Union supported Russia’s WTO accession in principle and that he did not want to link the Russian meat ban to Russia’s WTO prospects, though EU states could do so. In order to join the organization, Russia must reach agreement with each of the 149 WTO members. "Issues like this will affect the attitude of member states toward signing off on accession," Mandelson said. "This is not the only trade irritant between us and Russia--there are at least half a dozen--and this latest ban is bound to affe A. EU has not signed partnership agreement with Russia. B. EU is disappointed with at Russia’s trade strategy. C. EU wants Russia to cut down on tariffs on its meat imports. D. EU may connect the trade conflict with Russia’s entry into WTO. [单项选择]SP免疫组织化学染色的原理是()
A. 采用卵白素标记的第一抗体与链霉菌抗生物素蛋白连接的碱性磷酸酶及基质素混合液来测定细胞和组织中的抗原 B. 采用地高辛标记的第一抗体与链霉菌抗生物素蛋白连接的碱性磷酸酶及基质素混合液来测定细胞和组织中的抗原 C. 采用地高辛标记的第二抗体与链霉菌抗生物素蛋白连接的碱性磷酸酶及基质素混合液来测定细胞和组织中的抗原 D. 采用生物素标记的第一抗体与链霉菌抗生物素蛋白连接的过氧化物酶及基质素混合液来测定细胞和组织中的抗原 E. 采用生物素标记的第二抗体与链霉菌抗生物素蛋白连接的过氧化物酶及基质素混合液来测定细胞和组织中的抗原 [单选题]下列关于施工场地划分的叙述,不正确的是()。
A.施工现场的办公区、生活区应当与作业区分开设置。 B.办公生活区应当设置于 在建建筑物坠落半径之 外,否则,应当采取相应措施。 C.生活区与作业区之间进行明显 的划分隔离,是为了美化场地。 D.功能区的规划设置时还应考 虑交通、水电、消防和卫生、环保等因素。 [单选题]下列关于职业怀疑的相关理解,不恰当的是( )。
A.职业怀疑在本质上要求秉持一种质疑的理念 B.如果存在相互矛盾的审计证据,就应该保持警觉 C.注册会计师需要在审计成本与信息的可靠性之间进行权衡,但审计中的困难等不能作为省略不可替代的审计程序的理由 D.如果注册会计师认为管理层和治理层是正直、诚实的,可以适当降低保持职业怀疑的要求 [单选题]发动机升功率反映了单位气缸工作容积( )的大小。
A.输出转矩 B.输出功 C.每循环对活塞所做的功 D.以上皆非 [单选题] 司机鸣笛标设在道口、大桥、隧道及视线不良地点的前方( )m处。
A.500~1000 B.0~500 C.1000~1500 D.1500~2000 [单选题]保管空气呼吸器的室内温度宜在( )。
A.0—4℃ B.-5—0℃ C.31—40℃ D.5—30℃ 我来回答: 提交