Abstract Expressionism was an American
post-World War Ⅱ art movement. World WarⅡ led many influential European
artists{{U}} (67) {{/U}}leave their war-tom countries to travel to
America. This{{U}} (68) {{/U}}a dramatic increase in the{{U}} (69)
{{/U}}. American artists got to European Modernism and other art movements
such as Surrealism. The art movement{{U}} (70) {{/U}}its name from the
unique{{U}} (71) {{/U}}of the emotional intensity of the German
Expressionists and the anti-figurative design of certain European Abstract
art{{U}} (72) {{/U}}. The name of this movement was mainly{{U}} (73)
{{/U}}to the artists working in New York in the 1940-50s, and was first used
to{{U}} (74) {{/U}}American art in 1946 by the art critic Robert
Coates.{{U}} (75) {{/U}}, the artists sharing the same name had quite
different{{U}} (76) {{/U}}, A. styles B. concerns C. goals D. values [多项选择]当出现下列()情形时,应当在该情形出现后2个月内召开临时股东大会。
A. 董事人数不足《公司法》规定的法定最低人数或者少于公司章程所定人数的2/3时 B. 公司未弥补的亏损达到股本总额的1/3时 C. 单独或合并持有公司有表决权股份总数的10%以上的股东书面请求时 D. 董事会认为必要时 [单项选择]调查医院感染暴发流行的基本原则和主要手段是()
A. 对感染分布描述后再采取措施 B. 病原学检查后再采取措施 C. 流行病学调查后再采取措施 D. 对暴发因素分析后再采取措施 E. 边调查边采取措施 [单项选择]幕墙构架的立柱应采用螺栓与角码连接,并通过角码与()连接。
A. 基体 B. 横梁 C. 主体结构 D. 预埋件或钢构件 [多项选择]用于驱蛲虫的药物有()
A. 2%白降汞软膏 B. 阿苯哒唑 C. 甲苯哒唑 D. 胺嗪 E. 吡喹酮 [单项选择]今年爸爸和女儿的年龄和是44岁,10年后,爸爸的年龄是女儿的3倍,今年女儿是多少岁
A. 6 B. 11 C. 9 D. 10 [单项选择]采购员出差预借差旅费时,应借记( )账户。
A. “其他应收款” B. “管理费用” C. “材料采购” D. “制造费用” [多选题]"现场施工质量检查的方法主要有( )
A. 实 测法 B.记录法 C.目测法 D.会议法 E.试验法 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Traffic in Our Cities
The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand.This causes many problems,including serious air pollution,lengthy delays,and the greater risk______(1)accidents.Clearly,something must be done,but it is often difficult to persuade people to______(2)their habits and leave their cars at home. One possible______(3)is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by ______(4)charges for parking and______(5)tougher fines for anyone who______(6) the law.In addition,drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the day.This system,______(7)as“road pricing”,is already being introduced in a______(8)of cities,using a special electronic card______(9)to the windscreen of the car. Another way of______(10)with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the ______(11)of the city,and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the centre.Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus______(12)for the final stage of their journey. Of course,the most important______(13)is to provide good public transport.How-ever,to get people to______(14)the comfort of their cars,public transport must be felt to be reliable,convenient and comfortable,with fares______(15)at an acceptable level. 2._________ A.acquire B.arrange C.support D.change [单选题]一级超限是自轨面起高度在( )毫米及其以上超限但未超出一级超限限界者。
A.1150 B.1200 C.1250 D.1350 [单选题]在计算机网络中,表示数据传输可靠性的指标是 ( ) 。
A.误码率 B.传输率 C.信息容量 D.频带利用率 [单选题]不同使用部门的直埋敷设电缆间平行最小近距为( )。
A.0.1m B.0.25m C.0.50m D.0.70m [判断题]早点或晚点的旅客列车在途中给水站实际停留时间8分钟及以上可不用辆辆满水。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]测试是保证软件质量的重要措施,一般测试过程所产生的文档应包括测试计划、测试过程和 【 】 。
A.完整 B.清洁、明亮 C.封闭良好 D.封印完整 [单选题]链条葫芦的吊钩、链轮、倒卡等有变形时,以及链条直径磨损量达()时,禁止使用。
A.0.08 B.0.1 C.0.12 D.0.15 E.略 F.略 [单选题]遇有雷雨及( )以上大风时应停止户外高压试验。
A.三 B.四 C.五 D.六 [单选题]B-A-D-001 4 2 4
由于道床板结,阻塞路基面降水的顺利排出会形成( )。 A.滑坡 B.翻浆冒泥 C.路基下沉 D.泥石流 [单选题]张奶奶,69岁。一周前因摔倒致髋关节损伤,行髋关节内固定,不能下床活动。请问帮助张奶奶排便的方法是()
A.搀扶去卫生间如厕 B.使用床旁坐便椅 C.使用便盆床上排便 D.纸尿裤 E.以上都不是 [单选题]需要变更工作班成员时,应经( )同意,在对新的作业人员进行安全交底手续后,方可进行工作。
A.A.工作许可人 B.B.工作负责人 C.C.工作票签发人 D. E.略 F.略 [判断题]Oracle数据库中字符串和日期必须使用双引号标识
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]{{B}}第三篇{{/B}}