2005年 | 2006年 | 2007年 | 2008年 | 2009年 | 2010年 | |
分店数量(个) | 235 | 240 | 230 | 220 | 200 | 200 |
职工人数(人) | 5600 | 5400 | 52000 | 5000 | 4800 | 4600 |
收入总额(万元) | 36000 | 38000 | 40000 | 42000 | 44000 | 46000 |
税前利润(万元) | 3600 | 4000 | 4500 | 3800 | 2200 | 1800 |
Good teachers matter. This may seem
obvious to anyone who has a child in school or, for that matter, to anyone who
has been a child in school. For a long time, though, researchers couldn’t
actually prove that teaching talent was important. But new research finally
shows that teacher quality is a close cousin to student achievement: A great
teacher can cram one-and-a-half grades’ worth of learning into a single year,
while laggards are lucky to accomplish half that much. Yet, while we know now that better teachers are critical, flaws in the way that administrators select and retain them mean that schools don’t always hire the best. Failing to recognize the qualities that make teachers truly effective and to construct incentives to attract and retain more of these top performers has serious consequences. Higher salaries draw more w A. good teachers with master’s degrees. B. young and effective teachers. C. experienced and effective teachers. D. mediocre teachers of average quality. [判断题] 断路器中的油起冷却作用( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪一因素不影响个体对应激的认知评价( )
A. 人格特征 B. 生活经历 C. 应激源性质 D. 对应激源的敏感度 E. 当时个体的心身状态 [填空题]荀子站《()》中指出:“夫乐者,乐也,人情之所必不免也。故人不可以无乐,乐则发于声音,形于动静,而人之道,声音动静,性述之变尽是矣。”
A. 制种企业利用自有土地,雇佣农户进行种子繁育,再经烘干、脱粒、风筛等深加工后销售的种子,免征增值税 B. 按债转股企业与金融资产管理公司签订的债转股协议,债转股原企业将货物资产作为投资提供给债转股新公司的,免征增值税 C. 对属于增值税一般纳税人的动漫企业销售其自主开发生产的动漫软件,免征增值税 D. 对承揽国内、国外航空公司飞机维修业务的企业所从事的国外航空公司飞机维修业务,实行免征本环节增值税应纳税额、直接退还相应增值税进项税额的办法 [单选题]《济南铁路局电话订票组织管理办法》中规定:铁路电话订票的服务时间为:( )。
A.每日5:00-24:00 B.每日5:00-23:00 C.每日7:00-24:00 D.每日6:00-23:00 [单项选择]以下哪一个与能够准确唯一的标识智能设备协议版本对应关系()
A. 动态库版本号 B. 协议编码 C. 动态库名 我来回答: 提交