阅读短文。完成96—100题。 文化的字义有多种,一般来说,文化是人类所创造的一切物质、制度与精神。 中国文化有两个基本精神,具有高度的理论价值,一是“以人为本”,一是“以和为贵”。 中国文化和西方、印度的文化很不一样,中国文化有着无神论的传播,有超越宗教的人本主义倾向。从孔子开始就一直把“人”看得比“神”重要。孔子说:“务民之义,敬鬼神而远之,可谓知矣。”重道义而远鬼神,是中国文化的一个显著特点。这应当说是极有价值的。西方宗教比较发达,基督教在西方社会生活中有广泛影响。西方基督教文化可以说是“以神为本”。基督教徒也重视为他人服务,这一点当然很好,可还是要信仰一个上帝。俄国大文学家托尔斯泰,最后信了教,每天晚上跪着祈祷,要和上帝说话。中国的儒家就没有这一套。佛教讲了很深刻、很详细的哲学理论,可它同时也讲生死轮回,人死后或者上天堂,或者下地狱,或者变牛变马,这完全是错误的。佛教东来,但在中国文化史上并没有居主导地位。儒家思想的迷信成分比较少,这正是儒家比较高明的地方。孔孟偶尔还讲“天”的模糊概念,稍有一点信仰的意味,但到了宋明理学阶段,“天”就完全没有上帝的意思了,而是宇宙的本体,中国至少在知识分子阶层,宗教思想相当淡薄,有着“以道德代宗教”的传统。 孔子说“天地之性人为贵”,强调“人”,《礼运》日“人者,天地之心也”,认为人是天地的思维器官,人表现了天地的自我认识,孟子辨析“人之所以异于禽兽者”,强调了“良贵”观念,即人有道德自觉心。有人对此不了解,说中国自古是“他律”,服从于外界的压力、管束,说西方文化是“自律”。孔子说:“为仁由己,而由人乎哉!”这些观点都强调了人的价值,人在宇宙中的地位,在一定意义上可以说是“以人为本”,与有神论相比,具有较高的理论价值。 中国哲学特别重视和谐,强调“以和为贵”。春秋时期的史伯说“和实生物”,“以他平他谓之和”。所谓“和”是创新的源泉,指多样性的统一,孔子说:“君子和而不同。”孔子弟子有若说:“礼之用,和为贵。”孟子说:“__ A. 中国文化的基本精神 B. 以人为本和以和为贵 C. 中国文化和西方、印度的比较 D. 中国古代的文化精神 [多选题]三大经典风险调整绩效衡量方法包括()。
A.詹森指数 B.基准跟踪误差 C.夏普指数 D.特雷诺指数 [多选题]业扩工作的主要内容包括()。
A.客户新装、增容的用电业务受理 B.制定供电方案 C.组织客户工程的设计、施工和验收 D.签订《供用电合同》 [单选题]氯气液化属于()过程。
A.化学变化 B.物理变化 C.物理化学变化 [简答题]简述单只冷油器投入操作。
A.50~200MW B.150~300MW C.10~20MW D.10MW以下 [单选题]此患者诊断为
A.腹股沟斜疝 B.腹股沟直疝 C.股疝 D.脐疝 E.切口疝 [不定项选择题]共用题干
How Two Great Conflicts Helped to Change Europe
Ninety years ago on a sunny morning in Northern France,something happened that changed Britain and Europe for ever. At half past seven on the morning of July 1,1916 , whistles(哨子) blew and thousands of British soldiers left their positions to attack their German enemies. By the end of the day,20,000 of them were dead,and another 30,000 wounded or missing. The Battle of the Somme,______(51)it is called,lasted for six months.When it ended,125,000 British soldiers were dead. They had gained five kilometers of ground. This was one of a series of great battles during WWI.The attack on the Somme was staged to relieve______(52)on the French,who were engaged in a great battle of their own at a place called Verdun. By the time the battle ended,over a million French and German troops had been killed. About 17 million people were killed in WWI. There have been wars with greater numbers of dead .But there has never been one in______(53)most of the dead were concentrated in such a small area. On the Somme battlefield,two men died for every meter of space. Local farmers working in the land still______(54)the bodies of those who died in that battle .The dead of all nations were buried in a series of giant graveyards along the line of the bor- der______(55)France and Belgium.Relatives and descendants(子孙)of those who died still visit these graveyards today.What the French call the"tourism of death"______(56)an im- portant contribution to the local economy. It took a second great conflict before Europe was to turn______(57)war itself. Twenty-eight years after the Somme battle,a liberating army of British,American and Canadian troops took back______(58)from another German invasion. More than 500,000 people were killed.New______(59)were built. Two great conflicts across two generations helped to change the European mind about war. Germany,once the most warlike country in Europe,is now probably more in______(60)of peace than any other. One major cause of war in Europe was rivalry(竞争)between France and Germany .The European Union was specifically formed to end that______(61). According to US commentator William Pfaff,"Europeans are interested in a slow development of civilized and tolerant international relations,______(62)on problems while avoiding catastrophes(灾难)along the way. They have themselves only recently______(63)from the catas-trophes of WWI and WWII,when tens of millions of people were destroyed.They don't want______(64)." The last British veteran of the Somme battle died in 2005,aged 108.And WWI is passing out of memory and into history. But for anyone who wants to understand how Europeans ______(65),it is still important to know a little about the terrible events of July 1,1916. 57._________ A.into B.to C.in D.against 我来回答: 提交