It’s been a hundred years since the
last big one in California, the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, which helped give
birth to modem earthquake science. A century later, we have a highly successful
theory, called plate tectonics, that explains why 1906-type earthquakes happen--
along with why continents drift, mountains rise, and volcanoes line the Pacific
Rim. Plate tectonics may be one of the signature triumphs of the human mind,
geology’s answer to biology’s theory of evolution. There’s the broader question: Are there clear patterns, rules, and regularities in earthquakes, or are they inherently random and chaotic Maybe, as Berkeley seismologist Robert Nadeau says, "A lot of the randomness is just lack of knowledge." But any look at a seismic map shows that faults don’t follow neat and orderly line A. To stop faults dumping stress on other faults. B. To detect an earthquake. C. To warn people just before a quake. D. To send out electronic signals early to prepare people. [单项选择]
A. Because some book in the library are very expensive. B. Because some books in the library are rare. C. Because sometimes students need certain materials urgently. D. Because some students won’t return the books they borrow. [填空题]炸药的()是指炸药从空气吸收水分的能力。
[多项选择]根据消费税法律制度的规定,下列应税消费品中,实行从价定率与从量定额相结合的复合计税方法的有( )。
A. 烟丝 B. 卷烟 C. 粮食白酒 D. 薯类白酒 [判断题]新修订《动车组列车服务质量规范》中服务指南内取消客运服务质量标准摘要。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]信托资金可以用于发放土地储备贷款或用于缴纳土地使用权出让金。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]客货工线铁路,站内正线与相邻到发线(无列检作业)线间最小距离规定为()。
A. 5500mm B. 5000mm C. 5300mm D. 4800mm [简答题]影响教育规划与预测的经济因素有哪些?
A. 阶段性 B. 不平衡性 C. 顺序性 D. 个别差异性 [单选题][单选题]与基础代谢率几乎呈反比的是
A.身高 B.体重 C.体表面积 D.心输出量 E.年龄 [单选题]( )以上单位组织宣誓时,通常举行迎队旗和送队旗仪。
A.中队 B.大队 C.支队 D.总队 [多选题]工作票可由( )填写。
A.A.工作负责人 B.B.工作许可人 C.C.工作票签发人 D.D.工作班班长 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交