Among the many ways in which people
communicate through speech, public speaking has probably received more study and
attracted more attention than any other. Politicians campaigning for public
office, sales-people presenting products, and preachers delivering sermons all
depend upon this form of public communication. Even people who do not make
speaking a part of their daily work are often asked to make public speeches:
students at graduation, for instance, or members of churches, clubs, or other
organizations. Nearly every-one speaks in public at some time or other, and
those who perform the task well often become leaders. There are many masons for speaking in public. A public speaker may hope to teach an audience about new ideas, for example, or provide information about some topic. Creating a good f A. To influence people’ s ideas and behaviour. B. To enjoy the satisfaction from one’s own speech. C. To persuade the audience to accept an idea. D. To promote public interest. [单选题]指战员大会,( )或者一个工作阶段召开1次,由站(中队)首长主持,全体指战员参加,主要是站(中队)首长向全体指战员报告工作,传达和布置任务,发扬民主,听取意见和建议。
A.每周 B.每月 C.每个季度 D.每年 [单选题]当打开箱(柜)门进行检查或操作时,应站位至箱门( ),避免箱内设备异常引发的伤害。
A.前面 B.后面 C.侧面 D.外面 [单选题]镜下确诊子宫内膜异位病灶必须见到
A.红细胞 B.粘连 C.纤维增生 D.内膜间质细胞 E.含铁血黄素的巨噬细胞 [单项选择]理财产品协议书编号后7位代表()
A. 产品代码 B. 客户号 C. 网点清算代码 D. 交易顺序号 [单项选择]She treats me ______ I were a stranger.
A. like B. likely, C. as if D. seem [单项选择]子痫()
A. 妊娠合并肾炎 B. 妊娠期高血压疾病 C. 妊娠合并心脏病 D. 妊娠期糖尿病 E. 妊娠合并甲状腺功能亢进有关并发症最密切的是 [单选题] 必须佩戴全密闭防护面罩,橡胶手套,站在( )缓慢打开槽车取样门、排出取样管内残存氨液进行准确取样工作,远离人群送至化验室在密闭通风橱内进行化验。
A.上风口 B.下风口 C.任意方向 [多选题] GTD时间管理的主要步骤有哪几步?( )
A.收集 B.整理 C.组织 D.安排 E.行动 [单项选择]()是指以符号方式标识某个要素的空间参照,如国家名称,地址等
A. 地点 B. 地理标识符 C. 代码 D. 地名辞典 [单项选择]
病历摘要:男性,40岁,寒战发热2天,右上腹痛,咳嗽。4小时前口服安乃近后大汗,面色苍白,呼吸急促,体温39℃,血压90/60mmHg 对该病人应立即采取哪项关键措施?()提示:次日,病人咯血300ml后,突然眼球上翻,口唇紫绀。A. 气管切开 B. 人工呼吸机治疗 C. 静脉注射呼吸兴奋剂 D. 取头低脚高位,去除上气道血块 E. 输血 [多选题]轨道车车辆静态检查时,车下检查时,应该确认( )。
A.发动机安装螺栓紧固 B.发动机无漏油、漏水现象 C.制动拉杆安装牢固 D.制动拉杆无变形、无裂纹 [简答题]比价
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