Although the size of the workforce
depends a great deal on the size of the total population, there are several
other influences which also affect it. The age distribution of the total
population has a very {{U}} (21) {{/U}} effect on the available
workforce. If the population has a high {{U}} (22) {{/U}} of very young
people or of {{U}} (23) {{/U}} too old to work, then the available
workforce would be lower than {{U}} (24) {{/U}} there were an
{{U}} (25) {{/U}} spread age distribution. If the population grows raidly
{{U}} (26) {{/U}} natural increase, i.e., the number of births greatly
{{U}} (27) {{/U}} the number of deaths, then as a total population
increases the proportion of the workforce {{U}} (28) {{/U}}. Somet A. with B. without C. upon D. after [单项选择]甲股份有限公司2005年度正常生产经营过程发生的下列事项中,不影响其2005年度利润表中营业利润的是( )。
A. 无法查明原因的现金短缺 B. 期末计提带息应收票据利息 C. 外币应收账款发生汇兑损失 D. 有确凿证据表明存在某金融机构的款项无法收回 [单选题]得到行调明确的越红指令,预选模式及当前模式均为RM, 后停车升级预选模式。
A.头部越过信号机 B.尾部越过信号机 C.运行至前方车站 D.越过信号机30S [单选题]企业安全生产标准化的实施情况评定至少应每()1次,验证各项安全生产制度措施的适宜性、充分性和有效性,检查安全生产工作目标、指标的完成情况。
A.1年 B.2年 C.3年 D.5年 [单选题]班(组)指挥员拟制行动方案不包括以下方面:( )。
A.作战任务分工 B.技术、战术措施 C.目标及完成时限 D.应急通信方案 [单选题]把毛细血管称为交换血管主要是由于:
A..有较大的弹性和可扩张性 B..管壁平滑肌丰富 C..有良好的通透性且数量多 D..管径大,管壁厚 E..容量大,易扩张 [多项选择]黄芪桂枝五物汤主治证候含
A. 手足厥寒 B. 肌肤麻木不仁 C. 痈疽漫肿无头 D. 脉微涩而紧 [判断题]柱状图用于对不同类别或组别的频数或数值大小进行比较。我们可以通过
柱子的长短清晰地分辨出各组数据之间的数量关系。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]When a member of an ethnic minority group acquires the behavior patterns, lifestyles, values, and language of the mainstream culture we say that he or she has become culturally assimilated. Since the dominant group controls most of the social, economic, and political institutions in a society, members of ethnic minority groups must acquire its cultural traits to move up the social and economic ladder. When studying this concept, it is important to learn that although non-White ethnic minorities may become totally assimilated culturally, they will still be victims of discrimination and racism because of their different physical characteristics.
A widespread myth is that Mexican Americans and Afro-Americans experience discrimination because they often have meager educations and live in ghettos. Even though it is true that many Blacks and Mexican Americans are members of the lower socioeconomic classes, and that all lower-class individuals are treated differently than middle-a A. Cultural Shock. B. Social Institution. C. Cultural Assimilation. D. Forced Assimilation. [单选题]对于颜面冻伤,可 用( )的温水浸湿毛巾,进行局部热敷
A.35℃ B.42℃ C.50℃ 我来回答: 提交