Today’s lecture is about two powerful
natural forces, one destructive, yet the other productive. Tornado (龙卷风) is a typical example of destructive forces in nature. Forces other than damaging winds are also at work inside tornadoes. Sometimes as twisting, screaming wind passes over house, the walls and the ceiling burst apart as if a bomb had gone off inside. This explosion is caused by the low air pressure at the center of a tornado. The pressure at the center of a tornado is usually 13 pounds per square inch. However, inside the house the air pressure is normal, about 15 pounds per square inch. The difference of 2 pounds per square inch between the inside and outside pressure may not seem like much. But suppose a tornado passes over a small building that measures 20 by 10 feet. On each square inch of the bui A. dosing the cellar B. opening the window C. using a fan for air circulation D. strengthening the roof and walls [单选题]稽查抄表到位率、准确率,其目的是为了杜绝估抄、漏抄和措抄,可以运用抄表后稽查和( )方法。
A.抄表环节稽查 B.抄表前稽查 C.事中稽查 D.电量稽查 [填空题]CRH1型动车组的牵引功率是5300KW,CRH2型动车组的牵引功率是()KW,CRH5型动车组的牵引功率是5500KW。
A. 维护了大部分公民的利益 B. 妇女权利受法律保障 C. 在亚非文明影响下产生 D. 是奴隶主阶级的民主 [多选题]下列()检测数据属于计量值数据。
A.强度 B.长度 C.质量 D.不合格品 [判断题]导线或架空地线在跨越档内接头处应符合运行要求。( )(GB 50233—2014《110kV~750kV架空输电线路施工及验收规范》8.1.2)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于腰椎牵引疗法描述错误的是
A. 重量从自身体重的80%逐渐增至150% B. 增大椎间隙及椎间孔 C. 减轻神经根受压程度 D. 牵伸挛缩肌群,改善血液循环 E. 减轻神经根水肿 我来回答: 提交