Talking to Kids about SARS (非典)
School age children may be learning about SARS from adults and the media, but may not know what to make of the situation, says a national health charity.
The Lung Association says parents should take time to talk to their (1) and explain the facts about SARS and how to avoid the illness.
The following is based on recommendations (2) Thursday by the Lung Association:
▲ Ask your children if they have heard (3) SARS at school, from friends, from TV, etc. Finding out what they already know can be a good (4) to start the conversation and to clear away any wrong ideas they might have about the illness and how it is spread.
▲ School age children are usually old (5) to understand concepts such as getting sick from germs (细菌) and how to avoid illness. A simple reminder (提示) (6) to cough on people and to wash their hands often may be sufficient for younger kids. Al
A. families
B. children
C. friends
D. doctors
There is no question but that Newton
was a highly competent Minister of the Mint. It was mainly through his
efforts (41) the English currency was put on (42)
satisfactory basis at a difficult time. (43)
discovered a relationship between prices and (44)
amount of money in circulation, which (45) later
formalized in the so-called "quality (46) "of money: if the
amount of (47) in circulation is doubled--other things
(48) the same--then prices also will (49)
double. This is a simple application (50) the
principle that it is impossible (51) . get something for
nothing, but apparently (52) took someone like Newton to
discover it. There A. they B. had C. it D. he [判断题]对违法行为给予行政处罚的规定必须公布,没有公布的,不得作为行政处罚的依据。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列有关辨认的表述中不正确的是( )。
A.辨认时,应当将辨认对象混杂在特征相类似的其他对象中 B.几名辨认人对同一辨认对象进行辨认时,应当由每名辨认人单独进行 C.辨认物品时,混杂的同类物品不得少于7件 D.对场所、尸体等特定辨认对象进行辨认,陪衬物不受数量的限制 [判断题]“关门车”是指关闭了折角塞门,停止制动机作用的车辆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于骨脓肿,下列哪项是正确的
A.致病菌常为链球菌和葡萄球菌 B.治疗以手术切除脓腔为主,术后引流,不能一期闭合伤口 C.骨脓肿也属于一种急性骨髓炎 D.病变呈限局性,但脓肿周围无纤维硬化包绕,病人抵抗力低时,可复发 E.本病由于细菌毒力低,病人抵抗力强,导致病变局限所致 [简答题]防范网络黑客防措施有哪些?
A.风险标准 B.风险总值 C.评估标准 D.剩余风险值 [多选题]国家进入紧急状态或者工作需要时,( )的人员应当立即归队。
A.请假 B.探亲(休假) C.外出购物 D.公差勤务 我来回答: 提交