2008年江苏省城市土地面积、人口情况统计表 | ||||||
城市 | 土地面积 (平方公里) | 年末总人口 | 当年出生人口 (万人) | 当年死亡人口 (万人) | 人口密度 (人/平方公里) | |
(万人) | 女 | |||||
南京市区 | 4723 | 541.24 | 266.69 | 4.31 | 2.96 | 1146 |
无锡市区 | 1623 | 237.42 | 119.13 | 1.75 | 1.63 | 1463 |
徐州市区 | 1160 | 184.40 | 89.02 | 1.30 | 0.95 | 1590 |
常州市区 | 1872 | 225.87 | 113.10 | 1.61 | 1.49 | 1207A. 10个 B. 11个 C. 8个 D. 9个 [单选题]《教师职业道德行为规范》提出,教师在处理与家长的关系时,要与家长沟通。关于教师与家长的沟通,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.情节严重时,教师可以任意责备家长管教无方 B.重大处分时,教师应事先与家长做好沟通 C.在不违反法律的情况下,教师可以要求家长为其办一些私事 D.对经济贫困的学生,教师要尽可能地避免家访 [多项选择]客户经理职责主要有()。
A. 营销金融产品或服务 B. 维护客户关系,开发客户潜在需求 C. 收集市场信息,为开发新产品提供预测资料 D. 对客户信息资料进行科学的分析和管理 [单选题]于澄清阶段内容的叙述中,错误的是()。
A.投标人澄清须采用书面形式 B.投标人的澄清不得改变投标文件的实质性内容 C.招标人可接受投标人主动提出的澄清或说明 D.评标委员会不接受投标人主动提出的澄清或说明 [单选题]患者,男性,39岁,木刺刺伤右中指末端,当即挑出木刺未出血,5日后右中指末节肿胀、剧痛、搏动性疼痛,彻夜难眠,诊为脓性指头炎。首要处理是
A.使用抗生素 B.应用止痛药 C.切开引流 D.局部敷药 E.E.穿刺抽脓 [判断题]人工拆除施工应从上至下、逐层拆除分段进行,不得垂直交叉作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]开采容易自燃和自燃煤层的矿井,必须编制矿井防灭火专项设计,采取综合预防煤层自然发火的措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]为了合理使用和节约原材料,常用的号料方法有:()号料法、()法、()法、()号料法。
[单项选择]8、( )是公安机关的总任务。
A. 维护社会治安秩序 B. 维护国家安全和社会稳定 C. 严厉打击各种严重刑事犯罪 D. 保护公民的人身安全和人身自由 [判断题]行政机关通过一般程序作出的行政处罚决定书中的记载事项与通过简易程序作出的决定书中的记载事项相同 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》规定,车站发现无人护送的精神病旅客,应()。
A.A、通知车长 B.B、严禁乘车 C.C、协助护送 D.D、派人护送 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Pop Music in Africa
Young musicians in African countries are creating a new kind of pop music. The tunes and the rhythms of their music combine African traditions with various forms of music popular today,such as hip-hop,rap,rock,jazz,or reggae. The result is music that may sound familiar to listeners anywhere in the world,but at the same time is distinctly African. It is different also in another way:Many of the songs are very serious and they deal with important social or political issues in Africa today. Eric Wainaina is one of these African musicians.He grew up in Nairobi,Kenya,in a family of musicians.As a teenager,he listened to pop music from the United States,and later he moved to Boston to study at the Berklee College of Music. Now he has produced a CD in Kenya. Eric's most popular song,“Land of‘A Little Something’”is about Kenya's problem of bribery,or paying others for illegal favors.He wants people to listen to his songs and think about how to make Kenya a better place to live. Another musician who writes serious songs is Witness Mwaijaga from Tanzania. Her own experiences have helped her understand the suffering of many African women. At the age of fifteen she lost her home,but she was luckier than other homeless young people. She could make a living by writing songs and singing on the street. By the time she was eighteen years old,She had become a star. Her songs are written in rap or hip-hop style about the problems that she sees in Tanzania,especially AIDS and the lack of rights for women. Baaba Maal,from Senegal,also feels that pop music must go beyond entertainment. He says that in Senegal,storytellers have alwaysbeen important people. In the past,they were the ones who kept the history of their people alive. Baaba believes that songwriters now have a similar responsibility. They must write about the world around them and help people understand how it could be better. The words of his songs are important,in fact.They speak of peace and cooperation among Africans,as well as the rights of women,love for one's family, and saving the environment. One of South Africa's most popular musicians is Brenda Fassie. She is sometimes compared to Madonna,the American pop star,because she likes to shock people in her shows. But she also likes to make people think. She became famous in the 1980s for her simple pop songs against apartheid. Now that apartheid has ended,her songs are about other issues in South African culture and life. To sing about these,she uses local African languages and a new pop style called kwaito. In recent years,people outside of Africa have also begun to listen to these young musici-ans. Through music,the younger generation of Africans are connecting with the rest of the world and,at the same time,influencing the rest of the world. This passage is about how African pop music is______. A.usually about love and romance B.more serious than most pop music C.popular with young people in Africa D.mostly written just for entertainment [单项选择]一个国家采取什么样的军事战略,受多种因素制约,其中决定因素是()
A. 经济实力 B. 政治实力 C. 军事实力 D. 民心向背 [单项选择]下列哪些不是体癣的皮损特点()。
A. 鳞屑性的红斑 B. 境界清楚 C. 边缘不断向外扩展,中央趋于消退 D. 边缘可见丘疱疹,中央可色素沉着 E. 瘙痒不明显 [判断题]空气呼吸器使用前气瓶压力不能低于15Mpa。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]举证责任
[单选题]在对胶带输送机机头部分进行检修作业时,必须把煤仓上口( ),防止发生坠人事故。
A.敞开 B.封闭 C.不做任何处理 [单选题]部联网中心建立全网运行监测系统,开展全网运行监测工作,包括全网收费车道和 ETC 门架系统的关键设备.运行参数.软件版本.费率版本.通 信传输等状态监测。 ( )通报全网联网收费系统运行情况
A.定期 B. 每 日 C.每月 D.每 3 小时 [单选题]患者女性,35岁。诊断风心病伴二尖瓣狭窄。突发心悸。呼吸困难,咳粉红色泡沫痰。查体:BP90/70mmHg,端坐呼吸。双肺满布湿啰音。心率155次/分,第一心音强弱不等。节律不齐,给予西地兰0.4mg静注,目的
A.增加心肌收缩力 B.纠正房颤 C.减慢心室率 D.减慢窦率 E.降低心室自律性 [单选题]下列哪种类型的休克首选糖皮质激素治疗( )
A.过敏性休克 B.感染中毒性休克 C.低血容量性休克 D.心源性休克 E.神经源性休克 [单选题]砂轮应装有用()制成的防护罩,其强度应保证当砂轮碎裂时挡住碎块。
A.木板 B.钢板 C.铝塑板 D.树脂板 [多选题]公安机关通过某贩毒集团成员张某提供的线索,成功抓获贩毒集团的主犯刘某、朱某,并在朱某处查获了大量毒品和毒赃。下列说法正确的是( )。
A.张某要求不公开真实姓名,公安机关应当予以支持 B.如果张某及其近亲属的人身安全受到威胁,公安机关应当采取必要的保护措施。 C.对刘某、朱某一般不可以取保候审 D.对查获的毒品、毒赃应当随案移送、随卷保存 [单选题]被安排在公益性岗位工作的,按照国家规定给予( )。
A.职业年金 B.社保减免 C.岗位补助 D.岗位补贴 [填空题]Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 【B1】 that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the 【B2】 man. But they insisted that its 【B3】 results during the period from 1740 to 1840 were widespread poverty and misery for the 【B4】 of the English population. 【B5】 contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1640 to 1740, when England was still a 【B6】 agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.
This view, 【B7】, is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists 【B8】 history and economics, have 【B9】 two things: that the period from 1640 to 1740 was 【B10】 by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace.
A. A.plain B.average C.mean D.normal 我来回答: 提交