Mary was very fond of television, so when she met a young man (36) worked for a television company, she was very (37) and asked him a lot of questions. She discovered that he had also worked for a film company, so she asked him (38) there was any difference (39) film work and television. " (40) ," answered the young man, "there is one very big (41) . If someone makes a (42) while a film is being made, it is, of course, (43) to stop and do the scene again. In fact, one can do it over and over again a lot of (44) . Mistakes (45) time, money and films, but the audience (观众) who see the film (46) it is finished don’t know that anything went wrong. In a live (实况播送的) television show, (47) the audience can see any mistakes that are made. I can tell you a story about that. (48) ,a live television show (49) and one of the actors was supposed (50) . He fell to theA. to be shooting
B. to have been shot
C. to be shot at
D. to have been shooting
Technology Transfer in
Germany When it comes to translating basic research into industrial success, few nations can match Germany. Since the 1940s, the nation’s vast industrial base has been fed with a constant stream of new ideas and expertise from science. And though German prosperity (繁荣) has faltered (衰退) over the past decade because of the huge cost of unifying east and west as well as the global economic decline, it still has an enviable (令人羡慕的) record for turning ideas into profit. Much of the reason for that success is the Fraunhofer Society, a network of research institutes that exists solely to solve industrial problems and create sought-after technologies. But today the Fraunhofer institutes have competition. Universities are taking an ever larger role in technology tra A. It is free B. It is profit-driven C. It is widely available D. It is curiosity-driven [判断题] 某居民用电户本月电费为100元,交费时逾期5日,该用户应交纳的电费违约金为100×(1/1000)×5=0.5元。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]A国本国产品价格50元,从B国进口该产品价格40元,A国对B国进口的该商品征收10元的税。这种税被称作:( )。
A. 反补贴税 B. 差价税 C. 普惠税 D. 特惠税 [单选题]带状疱疹患者紫外线红斑量照射范围应包括( )。
A. 所有疱疹区 B. 疱疹区与疼痛区 C. 受侵犯神经的走行区及相应神经根区 D. 疼痛区 E. 侵犯的周围神经走行区 [判断题]承运行李应要求旅客出具车票,市郊定期客票不能托运行李,铁路乘车证不能免费托运行李。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据民事法律制度的规定,下列情形中,能够引起诉讼时效中止的是()。
A.权利人申请仲裁 B.权利人向义务人提出履行请求 C.不可抗力 D.义务人同意履行义务 [单选题]
人工开挖土方时,两个人操作间距应保持1~2m,并应自上而下逐层挖掘。 A. 正确 B. 错误 [判断题]我国不再是世界最大的发展中国家。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电工可以穿防静电鞋工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]LCB处于( )位:此时该道滑动门不再执行信号系统(SIG)、PSL盘或IBP盘的控制指令,但其安全回路未被旁路。
A.“自动” B.“隔离” C.“关门” D.“开门” [多项选择]项目监测中项目法人的工作责任中应包括( )。
A. 项目日常管理 B. 项目监测检查 C. 项目实施阶段监测 D. 信息指标系统设计、操作和管理 E. 项目运营监测 [单项选择]能够压缩现实的纵向空间,使多层次景物有远近相聚、前后重叠在一起的镜头形式是()。
A. 长焦镜头 B. 广角镜头 C. 变焦镜头 D. 鱼眼镜头 [单项选择]最不容易出现发绀的是
A. 左心衰竭 B. 右心衰竭 C. 严重贫血 D. 肺结核 E. 休克 [判断题](48967)( ) 铁路行车有关人员,在任职、提职、改职前,必须经过拟任职业的任职资格培训,并经职业技能鉴定、岗位任职资格考试合格,取得相应等级的职业资格证书和相关岗位任职资格后方可任职。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择](二)
下列各项中,属于本例中丁单位采购的国库集中支付方式的是( )。
A. 财政直接缴库 B. 财政直接支付 C. 财政授权支付 D. 财政集中汇缴 [单选题] 对于可能散发相对密度为1的可燃气体的场所,可燃气体探测器应设置在该 场所室内空间的( )
A. 中间高度位置 B. 中间高度位置或顶部 C. 下部 D. 中间高度位置或下部 我来回答: 提交