{{U}} (137) {{/U}}这个新学期起,卢湾区教育局把每周五的下午{{U}} (138) {{/U}}了“创新实践活动日”。腾出来的这半天时间,学生可以前往自己感兴趣的地方,开展实践探索。该局唐海宝局长介绍说,区科协和区教育局{{U}} (139) {{/U}}聘请了{{U}} (140) {{/U}}“院士中心”、市社科院和183个科技类专业协会的专家教授,以及全市实验性示范性高中的资深科技辅导教师加盟带教专家队伍。 |
Questions 6-10 are based on the following
passage. To understand the failings of existing farm programs, it’s important to understand the roots of the current farm crisis. At the heart of the problem is money—how much there is and how much it costs to borrow. A farmer is a debtor almost by definition. In my own state, it’s not unusual for a wheat farmer with 1,000 acres to owe several hundred thousand dollars for land and machinery. In addition to making payments on these loans, it’s common for such a farmer to borrow about $40,000 each spring to cover fertilizer, diesel fuel, seed, and other operating expenses. The months before the harvest will be anxious ones as the farmer contemplates all the things that could bring: financial hardship, bad weather, crop disease, insects, falling commodity prices. If he has a good year, the farmer can repay A. they rely on their domestic markets and are self-sufficient on the whole B. there are small profit margins in the business C. farm products offered by other producers are of higher quality D. they have financial difficulty [单选题]普通麻花钻扩孔切削时容易产生( )。
A.进给团难 B.扎刀 C.J3X效率低 [填空题]机车挂车后,司机发现制动关门车辆数超过规定时,发车前应持有( )。
A. 心 B. 肺 C. 脾 D. 肾 E. 肝 [单项选择]根据《中国执业药师职业道德准则适用指导》,执业药师应当树立敬业精神,遵守职业道德,体现了()。(2007年考试真题)
A. 救死扶伤、不辱使命 B. 尊重患者,平等相待 C. 依法执业,质量第一 D. 进德修业,珍视声誉 E. 尊重同仁,密切协作 [单项选择]下列关于骨巨细胞瘤的叙述,正确的是
A. 好发于年轻成人 B. 好发于长骨干骺端 C. 可发生病理骨折 D. 可发生远隔转移 [单选题]( )向ATS系统其它设备提供数据存储和查询功能。
A.数据库服务器 B.应用服务器 C.车站分机 D.网关计算机 [多选题]下列描述哪些是采用VLAN的优势?( )。(难)(消防通信网络设备)
A.分割了广播域 B.分割了冲突域 C.提高了网络的安全性 D.提高了交换机的转发速度 我来回答: 提交