Everyone ought to know that the world
is in danger. It is hoped that every government should act quickly in order to
conserve (保护) nature. Here is one example of the problem. At one time there were
1,300 different plants, trees and flowers in Holland, but now only 866. The
others have been destroyed by modem man and his technology. We are changing the
earth, the air and the water, and everything that grows and lives~ We cannot
live without these things either. What will happen in the future Perhaps it is more important to ask "What must we do now " The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today. A lot of them know that conservation is necessary. Many are helping to save our world. In some countries young people spend their spare time as "conservation volunteers". They plant trees, build bridges acro A. who are forced to do something B. who are willing to do something without payment C. who are reluctant to do something D. who are controlled to do something [多选题]接触网作业用的车梯和梯子必须符合下列要求.(1分)
A.结实 B.轻便 C.稳固 D.车梯的三个车轮必须采取可靠的绝缘措施。 [单选题]()及以上面额必须全额机械清分,()及以下券别如不适合使用机械清分,可以组织手工清分。
A.50元、20元 B.20元、10元 C.10元、5元 D.5元、1元 [多项选择]莱姆病进行组织学染色时可采取下列组织标本()()
A. 病灶皮肤 B. 脑脊液 C. 脾脏 D. 滑膜 E. 淋巴结 [单选题]对于敞开式隔离开关的就地操作,应做好支持绝缘子断裂的风险分析与预控,操作人与专责监护人应选择正确的站位。监护人员应实时监视隔离开关动作情况,()应做好及时撤离的准备。
A.工作负责人 B.所有工作成员 C.检修人员 D.操作人员 [单项选择]初产妇,产钳助产一活婴,产后6小时觉会阴部疼痛,便意明显,阴道出血不多。下列处理不正确的是()
A. 血常规、出凝血时间 B. 肛查 C. 阴道检查 D. 按摩子宫 E. 清宫术 [单选题]下列关于模板施工安装安全规定,正确的是()。
A.模板吊环不得采用热轧钢筋 B.模板吊环不得采用冷拉钢筋 C.模板拉杆接头必须焊接,不得绑扎 D.吊环的计算拉应力不得小于50MPa [判断题]电机冒烟起火时要紧急停车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在行业发展的成熟阶段,产品价格成为影响销售的最主要因素。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]应收账款计提坏账准备不影响应收账款账面价值。
A.行为人在交通肇事后为逃避法律追究,将被害人带离事故现场后隐藏,致使被害人无法得到救助而死亡或者严重残疾的 B.行为人在交通肇事后为逃避法律追究,将被害人带离事故现场后遗弃,致使被害人无法得到救助而死亡或者严重残疾的 C.单位主管人员、机动车辆所有人或者机动车辆承包人指使、强令他人违章驾驶造成重大交通事故的 D.火车司机违章驾驶旅客列车造成重大铁路运营安全事故的 [单选题]某借款人与银行签订3年期借款合同,以资产抵押并办妥抵押登记手续。次年,借款人将抵押物出租给其他第三方,下列说法错误的是()。
A.A.租赁关系不得对抗银行抵押权 B.B.租赁关系有效 C.C.租赁关系可以对抗银行抵押权 D.D.借款合同有效 我来回答: 提交