{{B}}U.S. States Do Poorly in Women’s Health{{/B}} Not a single U.S. state meets basic federal goals for women’s health, and the nation as a whole fails except in two areas -- mammograms (乳腺X光照片) and dental (牙齿的) check-ups -- researchers said on Thursday. Millions of women lack health insurance, and states make it difficult to enroll (加入) in Medicaid, the state-federal health insurance plan for the poor, according to the report. And few states are doing anywhere near enough to help women quit smoking -- the leading cause of death in the United States. "The nation as a whole and the individual states fall short of meeting national goals," reads the report, put together by the National Women’s Law Center A. Stress. B. Heart disease. C. Cancer. D. Smoking. [单选题]脱卸防蜂服前,应认真检查确认无附着蜂虫方可脱卸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] ,中央政治局执行党和人民的意志,毅然粉碎了江青反革命集团,结束了“文化大革命”这场灾难。在粉碎江青反革命集团的斗争中,华国锋、叶剑英、李先念等同志起了重要作用。
A.1976年10月上旬 B.1976年9月 C.1976年底 [单项选择]The author's main point is that ______.
A. it is impossible to attain national self sufficiency B. the varying productivity of the various industries leads to the inequalities in wages of workers in these industries C. a policy that draws labor from the fields of greater natural productiveness to fields of lower natural productiveness tends to reduce purchasing power D. the government ought to subsidize C and D [单项选择]下列对于提前还款和提前收回描述错误的是()
A. 提前收回指企业有违约行为或其他特殊因素,我行提前终止合同收回贷款 B. 提前还款指企业向我行提出申请,要求在贷款到期前还款 C. 提前还款和提前收回可直接发送电子许可证 D. 提前还款和提前收回均可通过直接认定方式进行操作,发送电子许可证 [判断题]通信系统按传输媒介可分为模拟通信和数字通信( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列选项不符合冬季施工规定的是()。
A.用火炉取暖时,应采取防止一氧化碳中毒的措施 B.基坑、槽的施工方案应根据土质情况制定边坡防护措施 C.油箱或容器内的油料冻结时,应用火慢慢烤化 D.用明火加热时,配备足量的消防器材 [单项选择]灭火方法有隔离法、()和冷却法。
A. 控制法 B. 抑制法 C. 窒息法 D. 强制法 [判断题]⾼处作业包括其他特种作业时不需办理其他特种作业审批⼿续。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交