Many theories concerning the causes of
juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the
individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories
(21) on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal
behavior (22) they were not sufficiently penalized for
previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through
(23) with others. Theories focusing on the role of society
suggest that children commit crimes in (24) to their failure
to rise above their socioeconomic status, (25) as a rejection
of middle-class values. Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on
children from disadvantaged families, (26) the fact that
children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes
(27) lack of adequate pa- rental control. A. or B. but rather C. but D. or else [填空题]南山白毛茶,产于广西()宝华山一带,请嘉庆年间被列为全国24个名茶之一。
[单选题]6号线下列哪个场所不设有调度电话分机( )。
A.A、值班站长室 B.B、车站控制室 C.C、乘务运转值班室 D.D、各主变电站 [简答题]密闭前要设置高度不低于1.5m的栅栏或全断面封闭。( )
A.多样 B.有效 C.协作 D.责权明确 E.精简 [单项选择]石灰粉煤灰碎石三渣混合料最好随拌随用,用不完的堆放时间一般不要超过()。
A. 一天 B. 二天 C. 三天 D. 12h [单选题]1922年颁布的《壬戍学制》将我国的学制设定为( )
A.五四二制 B.五三三制 C.六三二制 D.六三三制 [单项选择]
C 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Mark Twin was born in Florida, Missouri in 1835 and moved to Hannibal Missouri with family when he was about four years old. Most people think he was born in Hannibal, but that isn’t true. After his father died when he was about twelve, he worked in Hannibal for a little time and then left, so he could earn more money. He worked for a short time as a typesetter (排字工人) for newspapers, and then got a job as a river pilot (引水员) on the Mississippi River. He loved this job and many of his books show it. The river pilot job didn’t last long however, because of the war. When his father died, he was almost ______ A. twelve years old B. four years old C. thirty five years old [单选题]每年( ),乘务员对担当旅客列车的内燃机车,应确认合格证“情况摘要”栏内加盖“制动试验检测良好”印章(不含HXN3、HXN5型机车以及经检测合格在库内停留未超过2小时的机车)
A.10月1日至次年3月31日 B.11月1日至次年3月31日 C.12月1日至次年3月31日 D.12月1日至次年4月31日 [单选题]下列疾病不具备联合使用抗生素的指征的是
A.慢性骨髓炎 B.结核 C.细菌性心内膜炎 D.急性尿道炎 E.腹腔脏器穿孔 [单项选择]脑出血最常见的出血血管是()
A. 基底动脉的旁正中动脉 B. 小脑的齿状核动脉 C. 大脑中动脉的豆纹动脉 D. 脉络膜前动脉 E. 前交通动脉 [多项选择]一起因侵权行为引起的索赔案件中,原告主张被告侵权应赔偿其经济损失1万元。原告提出以下证据:(1)原告身上的伤痕;(2)被撞坏的电脑一部;(3)邻居赵某证明原告与被告关系一直不和;(4)医院证明原告因治疗花费2000元。以下对这些证据的分析中不正确的是: ( )。
A. 证据(1)属于原始证据 B. 证据(2)属于派生证据 C. 证据(3)属于直接证据 D. 证据(4)属于间接证据 [单选题]沿铁路纵向的排水坡段长度不宜大于 ( )m,必要时应增设横向排水设施将水流引出路基外,并排入至自然河槽或沟渠内。
A.400 B.500 C.600 D.700 [不定项选择题]A.朗格汉斯细胞
A.角质细胞 B.棘层细胞 C.黑色素细胞 D.梅克尔细胞 E.在口腔黏膜中可以产生黑色素的细胞是 我来回答: 提交