该患者激素治疗半年后,效果不佳,首先应考虑() One of the most disturbing statistics
I’ve read for a long time was published this week. The Work Foundation claims
that job satisfaction in this country has fallen alarmingly. Women’s
satisfaction level has fallen from 51 percent in 1992 to 29 percent today; men’s
has fallen from 35 percent to 20. The reason — the long-hours culture and job
insecurity. For my father’s generation, work was something that had to be endured so that real life could be maintained. But my generation has been gulled into thinking that work is real life, Most work is not satisfying. Most work stinks. Most work, however well paid, is meaningless and dull. But somehow we’ve been convinced that work provides self-fulfillment. Before Mrs Thatcher, we had a famous British attitude to work — the less we did the better. Thatcher introduced the idea that, in a world w A. (A) they had little time left to themselves B. (B) they had struggled hard for equal treatment C. (C) they had enjoyed themselves more D. (D) they had a strong desire to be set free from work [简答题]In the context of partnership law, focusing particularly on the liability of the members, explain each of the following:(a) an ordinary partnership; (2 marks)
[单选题]作业人员因故间断电气工作连续( )以上者,应重新申请参加安全准入考试,成绩合格后方可从事现场作业。
A.一个月 B.两个月 C.三个月 D.四个月 [单选题]安全生产法规定,安全生产工作的综合监督管理部门是下列哪个部门( )。
A.劳动行政部门 B.各级人民政府 C.安全生产监督管理部门 D.纪律检查部门 [单选题]食管异物最危险的并发症是???????
A.颈部皮下气肿 B.食管周围炎 C.食管周围脓肿 D.纵隔气肿 E.刺破大血管 [简答题]沃云盘黄金用户进行大文件上传时,传输文件的大小不受限制。
[多选题]正线应采用符合相应技术标准的( )钢轨,兼顾货运的应采用强度等级为980MPa热轧钢轨。
A.60kg/m B.100m定尺 C.强度等级为880MPa热轧 D.强度等级为800MPa热轧 [判断题]机动车在隧道内掉头时应注意观察对向车道来车情况,遇有对向车道来车时,不得掉头。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]如果电动液压舵机主油路系统内发生严重漏油,常会出现空舵现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]问题同上
[单选题]如果某证券的β值为1.5,若市场组合的风险收益为10%,则该证券的风险收益为( )。
A.5% B.15% C.50% D.85% [多项选择]犁煤器具有安全可靠()、磨损小等优先
A. 配煤方便 B. 结构简单 C. 维护量小 D. 体积大 [判断题]对新发现的波形应采用眼看、手摸、镜子照、直尺量等方法排除假象波进行判伤。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是基于气体的分压与该气体溶在溶液内的摩尔浓度成正比的原理:()
A.抽真空脱气法 B.动态顶空脱气法 C.膜透气法 D.机械振荡法 我来回答: 提交