{{B}}Help Your Child Become a Reader{{/B}} Encouraging early reading skills can build a path to a lifelong (终身的) love of reading and can help your child get a head start in school. While reading to your child is still the most important thing you can do to build reading skills, there are many techniques that can help. Make reading fun. Play games with your child as you read. Many traditional children’s games can be adapted to encourage reading skills. While reading or during play, tell your child, “I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the letter b.” Help the child find something on the page or in the room that begins with that letter. For example. “I see a barn.” This can also be used to teach beginning letter sounds. “I spy with my litt [单选题]带电断开架空线路与空载电缆线路的连接引线之前,应检查电缆所连接的( ),确认电缆空载。
A.架空线路状态 B.开关设备状态 C.互感器状态 D.设备状态 [单项选择]统一的东方文化在政治上表现为什么?()
A. 东方专制主义 B. 东方宗教主义 C. 东方保守主义 D. 东方贵族主义 [单项选择]对于质量控制点,一般要(),再制定对策和措施进行预控。
A. 事先分析可能造成质量问题的原因 B. 事先分析施工过程中的关键工序 C. 分析施工过程中的薄弱环节 D. 分析施工过程中质量不稳定的工序 [多选题]特种作业包括以下哪些类别?( )
A.电工作业 B.锅炉作业 C.矿山应急救护作业 D.起重机械作业 [多项选择]大中小城市和小城镇协调发展必须坚持的原则是
A. 循序渐进 B. 节约土地 C. 集约发展 D. 合理布局 [单选题]现场工作至少应有()人参加。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [单项选择]课外校外教育是一种有目的、有计划、有组织的教育活动,其实施范围是()。
A. 在课程计划(教学计划)之中 B. 在学科课程标准(教学大纲)之中 C. 在学校之外 D. 在课程计划和学科课程标准之外 我来回答: 提交