The Miss America celebration{{U}}
(67) {{/U}}as a beauty contest in 1921, but now prefers to avoid
such{{U}} (68) {{/U}}since beauty is no longer the primary{{U}} (69)
{{/U}}used to judge contestants. Each year in September, the celebration was
held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, {{U}} (70) {{/U}}for the year 2000,
when it was held on October 14. In January 2006 the celebration moved to its new
home and time in Las Vegas, Nevada. The celebration{{U}} (71)
{{/U}}itself as a "scholarship celebration ", and the{{U}} (72)
{{/U}}prizes for the winner and her runners-up are scholarships to the
institution of her choice. The Miss America Scholarship program, along with its
local and state programs, {{U}} (73) {{/U}}to be the largest provider
of scholarship money to young women in the world, and in 2006 made{{U}}
(74) {{/U}}more than $ 45 A. specially B. effectively C. subsequently D. particularly [判断题]我国的政府与非营利组织会计的组成体系是与国家预算的组成体系相一致。
[简答题]Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.
A.高糖类 B.高蛋白质 C.高维生素 D.低脂肪 E.有食管静脉曲张者,避免过热.干硬食物 [单选题]马斯洛按照由低到高的顺序将人的需要分为五个层次,其中最高层次是( )。
A.生理需要 B.自我实现需要 C.社会需要 [单选题]1.41 中型载客汽车的载客人数为 人。
A.小于等于19 B.小于等于20 C.小于等于9 D.小于等于15 [多选题]下列句子中,主张结合犯罪的主客观形势权衡量刑,不可一味从轻或从重的句子有()。
A.与其杀不辜,宁失不经 B.五刑之疑有赦 C.刑罚世轻世重 D.轻重诸罚有权 [单选题]电力安全工器具由(____)负责组织验收,(____)派人参加。
A.班组,车间 B.采购部门,安全监察部门 C.班组,安全监察部门 D.采购部门,车间 [单项选择]It is {{U}}absurd{{/U}} to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.
A. ridiculous B. funny C. odd D. foolish [多项选择]有关应纳税额计算的特殊规定正确的说法是( )。
A. 分别核算或准确提供不同税日产品数量的纳税人,应总体核算税目数量 B. 未分别核算或者不能准确提供不同税目应税产品的课税数量的,从高适用税额计税 C. 金属和金属矿产品,可按其精矿比计算 D. 原油中的稠油与稀油不易划分,可不作计算 E. 纳税人以自产的液体盐加工固体盐,按固体盐税额征税,以加工的固体盐数量为课税数量 我来回答: 提交