All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply (21) to all of us (22) the covers of books -- but we must know how to avail ourselves (23) this treasure and how to get (24) from it. The most (25) people all over the world, are (26) who have never discovered how (27) it is to read good books.
I am very interested in people, in meeting them and (28) about them. Some of the most (29) people I’ve met existed only in a Writer’s imagination, then (30) the pages of his book, and then, again, in my imagination. I’ve found in books new friends, new societies, new words.
If I am interested in people, others are interested not so much in who (31) in how. Who in the books includes everybody from science-fiction superman two hundred centuries in the future all the way back to the first (32) in history; how (33)
A. the author
B. the author’s
C. I the compiler
D. the compiler’s
A stamp is just a piece with a picture and some words printed on one side and some glue on the other side. What makes one of these bits of paper worth any money at all What makes a ten-fen stamp worth ten fen
When you buy a stamp, you also buy service from the post office. You get the letter sent by post. After the stamp has done its work, the post office says it is worthless. You must buy a new one for each letter you send.
But people often pay money for stamps that have already been used. Stamp collectors have fun just trying to collect as many different kinds as possible. Certain kinds are hard to find. To get one of these uncommon stamps, some collectors are willing to pay a great deal of money. They think it is worth something, and that gives it value. If you collect stamps because they are especially beautiful or tell an interesting story or show all kinds of animals, then those are the ones that have value to you.
Growing concerns over the safety and
efficacy of anti-depressant drugs prescribed to children have caught the eye of
Congress and the New York state attorney general. Now they’re becoming the
catalyst for calls to reform the way clinical trials of all drugs are
reported. Pressure is already causing some changes within the pharmaceutical industry. And it has put the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which approves new drugs, in the hot seat. If reforms are carried out, they could bring an unprecedented level of transparency to drug research. The solution now under consideration: a public database, or registry, of drug trials, where companies would post the results of those trials. In congressional testimony Thursday, a spokesman for the American Medical Association endorsed the registry A. Growing concerns over the safety and efficacy of anti-depressant drugs prescribed to children. B. The requirements of Congress and the New York state attorney general. C. Changes within the pharmaceutical industry. D. The information provided by a dozen influential medical journals. [单项选择]某企业2003年引入一条生产线,使用4年后大修一次,累计使用6年后出现了技术更先进的生产线,但原生产线再次修改后又使用了4年,便报废。则该生产线的自然寿命为()。
A. 4年 B. 6年 C. 8年 D. 10年 [单选题]输入化疗药物后患者输液部位出现药液外渗,护士不可选择,以防止皮下组织坏死及静脉炎发生。
A.局部封闭治疗 B.冷敷 C.热敷 D.理疗 [单选题]A网点于2019年1月1日吸收一笔3年期大额存单1亿元,利率4.2625%。当天法定准备金率10%,法定准备金利率1.62%,3年期FTP曲线价格是4.57%。根据中山农商银行2019年最新FTP政策,对三年期大额存单FTP收购价上调0.12个百分点,假设该笔存款年末前未支取,年化计算基础按照365天,该笔存款当年产生的FTP利润是( )万元
A.13.25 B.6.77 C.135.06 D.6.74 [多项选择]银监会进行现场检查时,在( )的情况下,银行业金融机构有权拒绝检查。
A. 检查人员未出示检查通知书 B. 检查人员未出示合法证件 C. 检查人员少于2人 D. 检查人员多于2人 E. 检查人员未提前预约 [单选题]间接验电信号变化判断时,至少应有()指示发生对应变化,且所有这些确定的指示均已同时发生对应变化,才能确认该设备已无电。
A.两个机械指示位置 B.两个电气指示位置 C.带电显示装置 D.两个非同样原理或非同源 我来回答: 提交