Is there anything more boring than
hearing about someone else’s dream And is there anything more miraculous than
having one of your own The voluptuous pleasure of Haruki Murakami’s enthralling
fictions—full of enigmatic imagery, random nonsense, and profundities that may
or may not hold up in the light of day—reminds me of dreaming. Like no other
author I can think of, Murakami captures the juxtapositions of the trivial and
the momentous that characterize dream life, those crazy incidents that seem so
vivid in the moment and so blurry and preposterous later on. His characters live
ordinary lives, A. It is a fiction written by a head librarian Miss Saeki. B. It is an autobiographical novel of Kafka Tamura. C. It is a movie adapted from Haruki Murakarni’s book. D. It is the name of a hit song in a novel under the same name.
[判断题]应力腐蚀是指在拉应力作用下,金属在腐蚀介质中引起的破坏。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]运输电杆时,电杆上可以坐人。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]轻型钢结构屋盖系统吊装应按( )的顺序进行。 A.屋架→屋架间水平支撑→屋架垂直支撑→檩条、檩条拉条→轻型屋面板 B.屋架→屋架垂直支撑→檩条、檩条拉条→屋架间水平支撑→轻型屋面板 C.屋架→屋架间水平支撑→檩条、檩条拉条→屋架垂直支撑→轻型屋面板 D.屋架→檩条、檩条拉条→屋架垂直支撑→屋架间水平支撑→轻型屋面板
[判断题]高压电气设备电压等级为在1000V以上。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]一30岁女性患者,因右下中切牙龋坏发展成根尖炎后,经过一次根管充填治疗,但患者的症状时有反复,叩疼不能完全消除已有近2个月,这种情况下,可能的原因是() A. 观察时间不够长 B. 下颌中切牙,有可能有唇舌侧两根管,可能遗留一个根管未治疗 C. 应用药物性充填材料充填根管 D. 根尖病变未治疗彻底 E. 以上都有可能
[单项选择]According to the author, in the nineteenth century people gradually ______. A. emigrated to other countries B. often settled in the West C. tended to change the place in which they lived D. had a higher rate of birth than ever before
Imagine fishermen walking down to the
seashore, ready to carry out their early morning routine of preparing their
boats and net. (71) they hope for a good catch of fish. But
to their (72) , a horrible sight meets their still sleepy
eyes. Thousands of fish have washed (73) dead. The cause of
this mass destruction A red tide! Red tides are a global
(74) . They have been observed on both the Atlantic and the
Pacific coasts of the United States and Canada. They have also (75)
in many other places. Though relatively few people are (76)
them, red tides are not new. In the Philippines, a
red tide was first seen in the province of Bataan in 1908. Since then, red tides
have been seen in many other (77) . A Philippines red tide
expert told us that" (78) the fish kills, the Philippines
has A. applies to B. sums up C. copes with D. leads to
[多选题]自然经济占统治地位的社会有( )。 A.原始社会 B.奴隶社会 C.封建社会 D.资本主义社会 E.社会主义社会
[单项选择]A) They are playing computer games. C) They are discussing. B) They are swimming. D) They are studying.
[多项选择]安全控制的特点是( )。 A. 控制面广 B. 动态性 C. 系统交叉性 D. 严谨性 E. 复杂性
[多项选择]坚持从严治警要做到()。 A. 严格教育 B. 严格训练 C. 严格管理 D. 严格纪律
Mary Arming (1799—1847) was a British fossil hunter who began finding (21) as a child, and soon supported herself and her very (22) family by finding and selling fossils. Very (23) is known about her life, but her father was a cabinet maker and he also (24) local fossils.
Mary (25) on the southern coast of England, in a town called Lyme Regis. Its famous (26) by the sea contain (27) fossil layers that (28) from the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods (the (29) of the dinosaurs, other bizarre reptiles, large insects, sea creatures, (30) mammals, and (31) life forms).
Mary Arming (32) and prepared the first fossilized plesiosaur (an ocean-dwelling reptile) and the first Ichthyosaurus (an ocean-dwelling reptile that (33) like a dolphin). She found many other important fossils, including Pterodactylus (a flying reptile), sharks (and other fish), and so on. (34) A. looked B. interested C. worked D. found
[多项选择]若储集层的岩性是均匀砂岩,上下泥岩岩性相同,则下面哪些测井曲线形态是对称地层中点()。 A. 自然电位 B. 自然伽马 C. 梯度电极系电阻率 D. 电位电极系电阻率 E. 声速
[多选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》(铁运〔1997〕101号)规定,()是旅客。 A.持伪造车票的人 B.持铁路有效乘车凭证的人 C.和旅客同行的免费乘车儿童 D.根据铁路货物运输合同押运货物的人
[简答题]The traditional approach ________ (处理复杂问题) is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.
[单项选择]Either of the children ______ quite capable of looking after the baby.
A. are B. be C. is D. have been
[判断题]《安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位应当具备的安全生产条件所必需的资金投入,由生 产经营单位的决策机构、主要负责人予以保证,并对由于安全生产所必需的资金投入不足导 致的后果承担责任。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]下列哪项试验,不能证明机体对特异抗原的即刻过敏反应() A. 皮肤划痕试验 B. 鼻激发试验 C. 放射变应原吸附试验 D. 血清沉淀素试验 E. 吸入抗原激发试验
[单项选择]下列各项货运作业中,不属于货物到达作业的有()。 A. 货物运输变更 B. 货物的交付 C. 重车和货运票据的交接 D. 货物的卸车
[判断题]( )Ⅲ~Ⅵ级围岩隧道衬砌可采用曲墙设底板的形式。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题].为了提高办事效率,请示可以一文多事。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]在非对称密钥加密体制中,加密密钥可以用来解密。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]After years of false starts, with the first commercial sales possible within months, a new industry selling motor fuel made from waste is getting a big push in the United States. Many companies have announced plans to build plants that would take in material like wood chips, garbage or crop waste and turn out motor fuels. For decades scientists have known it was possible to convert waste to fuel. But success is far from assured. Some of the latest announcements come from small companies whose dreams may be bigger than their bank accounts. They are counting on billions in government funds. Big technological problems remain, and even if they can be solved, no one is sure what unintended consequences will emerge or what it will really cost to produce this type of fuel. Virtually any material containing hydrogen, carbon and oxygen could potentially be turned into motor fuel. That includes plastics, construction debris (废渣), forest and lawn trimming (修剪下来的废料), wood chips, wheat A. serious consequences will emerge B. waste can not be turned to fuel C. success can not be assured D. no support is expected
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage 4{{/B}}
It was not "the comet of the century"
experts predicted it might be. However, Kohoutek has provided a bonanza of
scientific information. It was first spotted 370 million miles from Earth, by an
astronomer who was searching the sky for asteroids, and after whom the comet was
named. Scientists who tracked Kohoutek the ten months before it passed the Earth
predicted the comet would be a brilliant spectacle. But Kohoutek fell short of
these predictions, disappointing millions of amateur sky watchers, when it
proved too pale to be seen with the unaided eye. Researchers were very happy
nonetheless with the new information they were able to glean from their
investigation of file comet. Perhaps the most significant discovery was the
identification of two important chemical compounds -- methyl cyanide and
hydrogen cyanide -- never before A. It was thought to be extremely old. B. It passes the Earth once a century. C. Scientists predicted it would be very bright. D. Scientists have been tracking it for a century.
[单选题](63692)职业道德是安全文化的深层次内容,对安全生产具有重要的( )作用。(2.0分) A.思想保证 B.组织保证 C.监督保证 D.制度保证
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