isEmpty( ) | 判断队列是否为空。如果队列不为空,返回true;否则,返回false |
enqueue(Object newNode) | 入队操作 |
dequeue( ) | 出队操作。如果队列为空,则抛出异常 |
Kevin Rogers used to be my boss. At
that time he was a hard-working, up-and-coming businessman and a real
slave-driver, always telling us we had ’to sell more and more. As soon as I
could, I got a job with another company. The last time I saw Rogers was more
than ten years ago. At least that’s what I thought until last Thursday. But now
I’m not so sure. I was on my way back to my office in the center of town. There is a small park nearby which I sometimes walk through after lunch. It is empty, except for an unshaven, shabby-looking man on one of the benches. He looked about fifty years old and was wearing an old, gray overcoat. It was a cold, wintry day, and he was shivering. "It’s been a long time since I had a meal. Can you help me" he said. There was something about his voice that sounded familiar. I gave him a few coins an A. said that Rogers was a company director B. said he was sure Rogers was still in prison C. didn’t know anything about Rogers D. seemed to think the man might have been Rogers [多项选择]保险合同的客体包括()。
A. 保险标的 B. 保险责任 C. 可保利益 D. 保险金额 E. 保险期限 [单项选择]关于细胞凋亡信号的传导,下列说法错误的是()。
A. 胞外的细胞凋亡诱导因素必须转化为细胞凋亡信号并通过同一胞内信号传导途径激活细胞死亡程序 B. 不同的凋亡诱导因素可通过同一信号传导系统触发细胞凋亡 C. 同一凋亡诱导因素可经过多条信号传导途径触发凋亡 D. 同一个信号在不同条件下既可引起凋亡,也可刺激增殖 E. 不同种类的细胞有不同的信号传导系统 [单项选择]分析产生质量问题的各种原因或影响因素是属于质量管理PDCA循环中的哪个阶段?()
A. 计划 B. 实施 C. 检查 D. 处理 [多项选择]调集增援力量应遵循()。
A. 火场指挥员在出动途中或到达火场后,根据火灾情况,认为灭火力量不足时 B. 火场上出现爆炸或建筑物倒塌等情况,灭火力量不足时 C. 消防通信指挥中心根据报警了解到的情况,确认有必要调集增援力量时 D. 火场基本被控制,但有复燃的可能 [简答题]导气管与池盖交接处漏气该如何处理?
[判断题]当通过线圈的磁场发生变化时,线圈中产生感应电动势。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]烟草行业的垄断行为属于非法垄断。
[单项选择]初孕妇,26岁。妊娠34周。因腹部直接受撞击出现轻微腹痛,伴少量阴道流血,胎心142次/分。恰当处理应是( )。
A. 静脉滴注止血药物 B. 卧床休息,给予镇静药观察病情变化 C. 立即肛查,了解宫口扩张情况 D. 立即阴道检查,根据宫口扩张程度决定分娩方式 E. 立即行剖宫产结束妊娠 [简答题]布设地下水监测点网时,哪些地区应布设监测点(井)?
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