Skin Cancer Melanoma (黑素瘤), the deadliest kind of skin cancer, is now the most common cancer in{{U}} (51) {{/U}} British women, the country’s leading cancer organization said Wednesday. Skin cancer has {{U}} (52) {{/U}} cervical (子宫颈的) cancer as the top cancer striking women in their 20s, according to the latest data from Cancer Research United Kingdom. The trend is particularly {{U}} (53) {{/U}} since younger people are not generally those most susceptible (易患的) to melanoma. Rates of skin cancer are {{U}} (54) {{/U}} highest in people over age 75. But experts worry that increasing numbers of younger people being diagnosed with skin cancer could be the {{U}} (55) {{/U}} of a dangerous trend. Women in their 20s make {{U}} (56) {{/U}} a small A. execution B. campaign C. reaction D. conquest [单项选择]以下土壤吸收性中,对土壤保肥和供肥作用最大的是()。
A. 机械阻留 B. 交换吸收 C. 化学吸收 D. 物理吸收 [填空题]当气缸中气体被压缩过程中,体积变小,压力()。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 采集终端可以同时抄读不同协议的电能表。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]本务机车挂于列车后部,列车运行方向与列车车次规定的运行方向一致,为( )。
A.列车退行 B.列车牵引运行 C.列车推进运行 [单选题](1分)单选题
0 下列溶液中,适合治疗等渗性缺水的是 A. 平衡盐溶液 B. 5%葡萄糖液 C. 0.45%氯化钠液 D. 10%葡萄糖液 E. 3%氯化钠液 [单项选择]某患者,男,60岁,咳嗽痰中带血丝,进行痰液脱落细胞检查,显示细胞呈一端膨大,一端细长;胞质含角质,染鲜红色,膨大的部分有多个深染而畸形的核,染色质粗糙,提示为()
A. 蝌蚪形癌细胞 B. 纤维形癌细胞 C. 癌珠 D. 圆形癌细胞 E. 核异质 [单项选择]关于胎儿多囊肾的描述,正确的是()。
A. 多为单侧性 B. 双肾正常大小 C. 双肾可见多个大小不等的小囊 D. 多个小囊互相连通 E. 常伴有肾盂积水 [多项选择]商业银行的工作人员中,属于高级管理层的有()。
A. 总行行长 B. 会计 C. 副行长 D. 财务负责人 E. 监管部门认定的其他高级管理人员 [简答题]绝缘油的作用是什么?
A.80℃ B.85℃ C.105℃ D.135℃ [单选题]1在施工现场搭设了一个长6m、宽0.6m、高4.5m的现浇混凝土梁的模板,其支撑用φ48和φ51的两种型号钢管直接支撑在地面上,浇筑混凝土时,支撑下地面沉陷,模板严重变形。请判断下列事故原因分析的对错。1.1钢管底端未加垫板和底座。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] Thanks to the great achievements made in the development of science and technology, human life has experienced amazing changes in all aspects. We now enjoy a much more colorful and comfortable life. However, there are also some people who hold 【B1】 attitude towards the development of science and technology. From their point of view, we should 【B2】 away from the modern science and technology and 【B3】 to a simpler lifestyle. They seem to be nostalgic 【B4】 the good old days. They argue that modern science and technology have given 【B5】 to all sorts of problems, including poorer human relationship, heavier pressure from work and life, deteriorating environment and so on. 【B6】 the surface of it, their argument sounds persuasive, but on the 【B7】 thoughts, it can not hold water, because the drawbacks brought by science and technology can not keep us from 【B8】 the merits.
Firstly, modern transport means make it very convenient for people to travel far or near, thus 【B9】 a lot of tim
A. A.a wrong B.an opposite C.a negative D.a common [简答题]试验室安全知识包括哪些?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]气体、液体、粉体快速喷射时均能产生()。
A.静电 B.电流 C.离子 D.中子 [多选题]以下有关警冲标设置的规定哪些是正确的?()
A.在线路曲线部分所设道岔附近的警冲标与线路中心线间的距离应按限界的加宽增加 B.线间距离不足4米时,设在两线路中心线最大间距的起点处 C.设在两会合线路线间距离为4 米的中间 D.设在两会合线路线间距离为3.5米的中间 [单选题]过流保护加装复合电压闭锁可以()。
A.加快保护动作时间 B.增加保护可靠性 C.提高保护的灵敏性 D.延长保护范围 [单项选择]Experiments show that different temperatures have different __________ on human feelings.
A. results B. troubles C. endings D. effects [多项选择]患者女性,46岁,因“反复出现咽部疼痛,伴有咽部异物感多年”来诊。患者无明显咳嗽,无声音嘶哑,进食无明显异常,曾多次就诊行纤维喉镜检查,咽部、喉腔未见明显异常。为明确诊断应进一步做的检查有()
A. 茎突CT扫描及三维重建 B. 鼻咽侧位X线片 C. 咽部CT扫描 D. 血常规 E. 红细胞沉降率 F. 心电图 [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}}
A. To do whatever the committee asks him to. B. To make decisions in agreement with the committee. C. To run the committee hid way. D. To make himself the committee chairman. [单项选择]政府对基本商品征收的一种税是对出售的每一罐食用油征税两分钱。税务记录显示,尽管人口数量保持稳定且税法执行有力,食用油的税收额在税法生效的头两年中还是显著下降了。
以下如果正确,最有助于解释食用油的税收额下降的一项是( )。 A. 很少家庭在加税后开始生产他们自己的食用油 B. 商人在税法实施后开始用比以前更大的罐子售油 C. 在食用油税实行后的两年,政府开始在许多其他基本商品上征税 D. 食用油传统上被用作结婚礼物,税法实施后,用食用油做礼物增多了 [单项选择]The gifted manager tried his best to run the store in order to ______ every customer's requirement.
A. meet B. need C. pay D. allow 我来回答: 提交