Thanksgiving Day The American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that year, a special dinner was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The people who had settled there had left England because they were forbidden to keep their religious belief. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in sailing across the ocean. The ship which carried them was called "the Mayflower". The North Atlantic was hard to travel. There were bad storms and huge waves. With the help of the Indians, they learned to live in the new land. These Puritans, as they were called, had much to be thankful for. They could enjoy religious freedom. They learned how to grow their crops in accordance with the climate and soil. Now when they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving cel A. 100 years old B. 200 years old C. 300 years old D. 400 years old [单选题]砖木结构住宅建筑大部分采用( )建筑形式。
A.单元式 B.走廊式 C.庭院式 D.分散式 [单选题]基层单位党委对党支部上报的接收预备党员的决议,应当在()内审批,如遇特殊情况可适当延长审批时间,但不得超过()。
A.1个月,3个月 B.2个月,6个月 C.3个月,6个月 D.6个月,9个月 [多选题]档案管理员具体承担执法档案的日常管理工作,履行()职责。
A.A.核查、接收移交的案卷,履行归档手续,分类填写归档登记表 B.B.指导、监督消防执法人员及消防文员对案卷材料立卷、归档 C.C.按照规定编制档案索引,按序排列和存放档案 D.D.不得擅自复制、翻拍、抄录、抽取、销毁、涂改或伪造执法档案,严防丢失、损毁 E.E.严格遵守安全保密制度,落实安全防护措施,确保档案安全 [单项选择]公民被宣告失踪的法律后果是()
A. 婚姻关系消灭 B. 民事权利能力终止 C. 为其财产设立代管人 D. 其财产转变为遗产 [单选题]250(不含)~350km/h线路水平静态几何尺寸容许偏差管理值限速160km/h为( )。
A.2mm B.4mm C.6mm D.7mm [填空题]离散控制系统中的两个特殊环节是采样器和()。
[单选题]农村抽水灌溉临时在线路上接线用电属于( )行为。
A.窃电 B.违章 C.违约 D.违规 [判断题]高速公路上一辆载运大米(总价值达20多万元)的货车翻车,王某煽动、聚集附近村民哄抢大米。本案只对首要分子王某按聚众哄抢罪定罪处罚。
A.以农促工、以乡带城的发展阶段 B.加快改造传统农业、走中国特色农业化道路的关键时刻 C.形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局的重要时期 D.着力破除城乡二元结构的重要时期 [单选题]我们把提供电流的装置,例如电池之类统称为( )。
A. 电源 B. 电动势 C. 发电机 D. 电能 我来回答: 提交