The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases (21) the trial of Rosemary West.
In a significant (22) of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a (23) bill that will propose making payments to witnesses (24) and will strictly control the amount of (25) that can be given to a case (26) a trial begins.
In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he (27) with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not (28) sufficient control.
(29) of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a (30) of media protest when he said the (31) of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges (32) to Parliament.
The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rig
A. stated
B. remarked
C. said
D. told
How to Read{{/B}} A few years ago I was shopping with a friend and his 12 year-old daughter in downtown San Francisco. A street musician, whom my friend happened to know from his own musician days, was playing the saxophone(萨克斯管)on a street corner. His name was Clifford, and he had attracted a large crowd with his performance. After he finished, my friend introduced him to me and his daughter. Clifford asked her if she played any instrument. When she replied that she was taking trumpet(小号)lessons and played in her junior high school band, he said, "That’s fine, little lady. Learn your instrument well and you can play anything." Somehow these simple yet wise words struck me as appropriate not only for a trum A. is directed to elementary school students B. centers around vocabulary building skills C. offers elementary reading skills D. aims at helping students read better [多项选择]对于补中益气汤说法正确的为
A. 益气升陷 B. 甘温除热 C. 用于治疗气虚发热 D. 可以滋阴清热 E. 益气养血 [简答题]什么是信息内容审计跟踪?
[多选题]开展举高车训练时,必须要有干部在场组织,操作人员必须经过相应培训,持证作业。训练前必须对停车场地、周边及上空进行安全评估,不得在( )的区域开展训练,不得超载、超限训练。
A.承重能力差 B.周边障碍多 C.上空设有电线 D.开阔地带 [单选题]【单选题】粮食水分增加还会促进(),并易引起虫害。( )
A.呼吸作用,加剧发热、发霉 B.氧化作用,加剧发热、发霉 C.呼吸作用,降低发热、发霉 D.水解作用,加剧发热、发霉 [单项选择]出口许可证管理实行“一证一关”制、 “一批一证”制和“非一批一证”制。实行“非一批一证”制的,最多不超过——次。
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 12 [单项选择]给水温度下降,锅炉燃料量不变的情况下,过热汽温()。
A. 下降 B. 升高 C. 不变 [单项选择]测量气缸压力时,先拆下火花塞,然后拧紧气缸压力表,(),即可测出气缸压力。
A. 慢慢启动 B. 迅速启动 C. 不用启动 D. 反复启动 [判断题] 施工管理系统电脑终端故障,由使用单位自行维修。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]出口剪活动剪刃行程为( )
A.A.60mm B.B.100mm C.C.120mm D.D.130mm [判断题]油浸(自然循环)风冷变压器风冷装置。有人值班变电站,强油循环风冷变压器的冷却装置全停,宜投信号;无人值班变电站,条件具备时宜投跳闸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]男性,30岁。3年前呼吸道感染后出现咳嗽、胸闷,治疗后好转。此后每于呼吸道感染后及接触花粉后反复发作,并伴有喘鸣,应用抗炎药物及支气管舒张药物后缓解,2天前再次发作。体检:呼吸28次/分,口唇轻度发绀,两肺叩诊过清音,可闻及哮鸣音,心率120次/分,律齐。
A.弥散功能障碍 B.阻塞性通气障碍 C.混合性通气障碍 D.限制性通气功能障碍 E.阻塞性通气功能障碍伴肺气肿 [单选题]用草酸钠基准物标定局锰酸钾时,指不剂是高锰酸钾,称为( )。
A.酸碱指不剂 B.自身指不剂 C.专署指不剂 D.金属指不剂 [单选题]在马克思理论中,在劳动生产活动中形成的人与人之间的关系,被称为( )。
A.生产力系统 B.生产关系体系 C.社会上层建筑 D.社会物质系统 [单选题]用散光镜片做像移实验时,若某一方向观察不到像移
A.该镜片为纯球镜 B.该镜片为纯柱镜,且该方向为柱镜的轴向 C.该镜片纯柱镜,且该方向为柱镜屈光力最强方向 D.该镜片为球柱镜,且该方向为球柱镜的轴向 [单选题]产生静息电位和动作电位(去极和复极过程)的跨膜离子移动过程属于
A.单纯扩散 B.载体中介的易化扩散 C.通道中介的易化扩散 D.主动转运 [单选题]用完燃气设备后必须检查灶具和管道阀门是否( )。
A.关闭 B.打开 C.良好 D.损坏 [判断题]理想内在包含有人生的价值目标。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]磁通密度是一个矢量,只有大小,没有方向,可用于描述磁场中各点的性质。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]研究系统的成本和效益之间的关系,研究信息系统的运行为企业带来的经济效益和社会效益,这种可行性称为______可行性。
[单选题]( )依法对药品研制、生产、经营、使用全过程中药品的安全性、有效性和质量可控性负责。
A.药品生产企业 B.药品经营企业 C.药品上市许可持有人 D.药品监督管理部门 [单选题] "《山东省生产经营单位安全生产主体责任规定》要求,生产经营单位的主要负责人应当落实本单位技术管理机构的安全职能并配备( )人员。
A.安全 B.安全生产 C.技术 D.安全技术" [判断题]高压无气喷涂高压软管应能耐10兆帕;( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交