Meteorologists routinely tell us what
next week’s weather is likely to he, and climate scientists discuss what might
happen in 100 years. Christoph Schar, though, ventures dangerously close to that
middle realm, where previously only the Farmer’s Almanac dared go: what will
next summer’s weather be like Following last year’s tragic heat wave, which
directly caused the death of tens of thousands of people, the question is of
burning interest to Europeans. Schar asserts that last summer’s sweltering
temperatures should no longer be thought of as extraordinary. "The situation in
2002 and 2003 in Europe, where we had a summer with extreme rainfall and record
flooding followed by the hottest summer in hundreds of years, is going to be
typical for future weather patterns," he says. Most Europeans have proba A. They found the cloud’s reaction to the carbon level of the atmophere was too complex to predict. B. They were puzzled by the carbon levels in the atmosphere’s cloud. C. The atmosphere’s reaction to the carbon level’s raise is more diffcult to predit than they ever thought. D. Too many uncertainties in the atmosphere’s carbon level are to be reduced. [单选题]辖区消防救援站及增援力量到场后,应优先利用(),了解起火部位、燃烧范围、烟气流向、人员疏散、进攻通道等情况,
A.消防控制室 B.值班人员 C.单位负责人 D.政府人员 [简答题]翻译:慨当以慷,忧思难忘。何以解忧?唯有杜康。
[填空题]传动轴一般为( )心轴, 用无缝钢管制成
[多选题] 3 孙某系某县甲镇人,因涉嫌故意伤害罪被取保候审。孙某在取保候审期间的下列行为,违反了被取保候审人应遵守的规定的有( )。
A.离开甲镇到本县乙镇赶场贩卖产品,2日内才返回 B.在传讯的时候因交通事故未能到案 C.将用以故意伤害他人的刀子扔到枯井里 D.请证人吃饭,要证人作证时多多关照 [判断题]各账户在一张账页记满时,应在该账页最后一行结出余额,并在“摘要”栏注明“转次页”字样。 ( )
[单选题]正面角焊缝中,减小角焊缝的( )的夹角,可以减小应力集中。
A.平面与截面 B.斜边与水平边 C.垂直与截面 D.以上均不对 [判断题]客服经理应综合运用叫号机、客户介质、客户营销管理系统、移动助手、现场管理等的识别功能主动识别有效客户、发现需求和推介营销。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不属于矿井外因火灾的是( )。
A.瓦斯、煤尘爆炸引起火灾 B.煤的自燃 C.机械摩擦及物体碰撞引燃可燃物导致火灾 D.吸烟、电焊、灯泡取暖引燃可燃物导致火灾 [单选题]大气环境保护规划总体上包括()
A.大气环境质量规划和大气污染防治规划 B.大气污染控制规划和大气环境监督规划 C.大气环境质量规划和大气环境监督规划 D.大气环境质量规划和大气污染控制规划 [简答题]如何完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念?
A.放射治疗后损伤喉返神经 B.治疗后营养不良 C.甲状腺功能减退症 D.白细胞减少症 E.淡漠型甲亢 [单项选择]加工石器的过程分为两步,一是打击石片,二是加工修整石片。打击石片的方法分为()和间接打击法()。
A. 直接打击法 B. 压剥法 C. 刮削法 D. 雕刻法 我来回答: 提交