Culture is the sum total of all the traditions, customs, belief and ways of life of a given group of human beings. In this sense, every group has a culture, however savage, undeveloped, or uncivilized it may seem to us.
To the professional anthropologist, there is no intrinsic superiority of one culture over another, just as to the professional linguist there is no intrinsic hierarchy among languages.
People once thought of the languages of backward groups as savage, undeveloped form of speech, consisting largely of grunts and groans. While it is possible that language in general began as a series of grunts and groans, it is a fact established by the study of "backward" languages that no spoken tongue answers that description today. Most languages of uncivilized groups are, by our most severe standards, extremely complex, delicate, and ingenious pieces of machinery for the transfer of ideas. They fall behind the Western languages not in their sound patte
A. Criticism of Language Hierarchy
B. Cultural Englitarian from the Perspectives of Language
C. Expansion of "Backward" Language
D. Criticism of Language Hierarchy
To be a successful business owner, you
must know your market. Your business won’t succeed just {{U}} (67) {{/U}}
you want it to succeed. Determining if there is a market for your products or
service is the most {{U}} (68) {{/U}} item of planning. Once you
{{U}} (69) {{/U}} on your product or service, you must analyze your
market -- a process {{U}} (70) {{/U}} interviewing competitors, suppliers
and new customers. Market research is extremely {{U}} (71) {{/U}}; the
information gathered can increase your profit potential. {{U}} (72)
{{/U}} you begin researching your market, however, you should take a
brief, but {{U}} (73) {{/U}} look at your product or service from an
objective {{U}} (74) {{/U}} You should ask yourself the following
questions: Is this product or service in {{U}} (75) {{/U}} demand
Can I {{U}} (76) {{/U}} a demand for m A. make B. create C. build D. establish [判断题]使用钳形电流表测量时若需拆除遮栏,应在拆除遮栏后立即进行测量。工作结束,应立即将遮栏拆除。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]小信号平方律检波器是由高频信号输入电路、()和RC低通滤波器组成。
A. 二极管 B. 晶体二极管 C. 限幅器 D. 谐振回路 [多项选择]以下关于应用伦理学的说法错误的是()。
A. 应用伦理学是对规范伦理学的实践; B. 应用伦理学诞生于古希腊时期; C. 应用伦理学从根本上说是现实需要推动产生的; D. 应用伦理学不是一门单一独立学科 [单选题]( )的施工工序最复杂,施工周期长。
A.片石混凝土 B.普通混凝土 C.钢筋混凝土 D.预应力钢筋混凝土 [单选题]RM80清筛车振动筛筛网钢丝截面为( )。[321030103]
A.圆形 B.梯形 C.方形 D.长方形 [单选题]按照《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》规定,生产安全事故等级的划分是根据:()
A.A.造成的人员伤亡和直接经济损失 B.B.造成的人员伤亡 C.C.直接经济损失 [判断题]单位定期存单仅作为质押的权利凭证,质押到期后,应由贷款行向开户行申请解除质押设定,并将单位定期存单转开为单位定期存款开户证实书。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]信用证经保兑后,保兑行( )。
A.只有在开证行没有能力付款时,才承担保证付款的责任 B.和开证行一样,承担第一性付款责任 C.需和开证行商议决定双方各自的责任 D.只有在买方没有能力付款时,才承担保证付款的责任 [多项选择]根据《合同法》的规定,属于可撤销民事行为的是( )。
A. 重大误解 B. 显失公平 C. 恶意串通 D. 乘人之危 [单选题]脚手架工程施工前,应当由()向作业人员进行安全技术交底。
A.项目技术负责人/方案编制人员 B.项目专职安全管理人员 C.项目安全监理工程师 D.作业班组负责人 [多选题]灭火救援时,车辆停靠应与建筑保持一定距离,不得停靠在( )等存在潜在危险的地点。
A.室外消火栓旁 B.室外水泵接合器旁 C.建筑高空坠落物范围内 D.被困人员的正下方 [判断题]应答器单元编号由三位十进制数表示,编号范围为2~255。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]BH028 广域网和局域网是按照( )来划分的。
A.网络使用者 B.网络作用范围 C.信息交换方式 D.传输控制协议 [简答题]“给我一打健全的儿童,我可以用任意方法使他们改变,或者使他们成为律师、法官,或者使他们成为乞丐、盗贼。”
[单选题] 慢性淋巴细胞白血病最可能的首发症状是( )
A.贫血 B.出血 C.感染 D. 淋巴结肿大 E.脾大 [单选题]《客规》中,持通票的旅客中转换乘应签证而未签证的,应( )。已经使用至到站的除外。
A.补签不收手续费 B.补签核收手续费 C.视为无效 D.不予追究 [判断题]电缆井、隧道内工作时,应配备安全和抢救器具,如:防毒面罩、呼吸器具、通信设备、梯子、绳缆以及其他必要的器具和设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于劳动合同的续订与变更,下列说法错误的是( )。
A. 提出劳动合同续订要求的一方应在合同到期之前15日书面通知对方 B. 劳动者在同一用人单位工作满10年,双方同样续延劳动合同,劳动者有权提出订立无固定期限的劳动合同 C. 订立劳动合同所依据的法规发生变化应变更相应的内容 D. 提出劳动合同变更的一方应书面通知对方 [单选题]装设接地线时,应( )。
A.先接接地端,后接导线或地线端,拆除时的顺序相反 B.后接接地端,先接导线或地线端,拆除时的顺序相反 C.先接接地端,后接导线或地线端,拆除时的顺序相同 D.后接接地端,先接导线或地线端,拆除时的顺序相同 我来回答: 提交