Such joy, It was the spring of 1985, and President
Reagan had just given Mother Teresa the Medal of Freedom in a Rose Garden
ceremony. As she left, she walked down the corridor between the Oval Office and
the West Wing drive, and there she was, turning my way. What a sight: a saint in
a sari coming down the White House hall. As she came nearer, I could not help
it: I bowed. "Mother", I said, "I just want to touch your hand." She looked up
at me -- it may have been one of Gods subtle jokes that his exalted child spent
her life looking up to everyone else -- and said only two words. Later I would
realize that they were the message of her mission. "Luff Gott," she s A. one of Protestant works B. one of Protestant faith C. one of the Truths D. not one of Protestant works [单选题](47456)50kg/m钢轨截面积为( )cm2。(1.0分)
A.57 B.65.8 C.77.45 D.95.037 [单选题]铁路电务等维修人员乘坐管内旅客列车到各站检查、维修设备,凭铁路局发给的携带器材乘车凭证可携带()。
A.焊接线火柴(铁盒密封)5盒 B.汽油(密封)1kg C.调和漆8kg D.焊药50包 [多选题]动车组检修作业前准备预判预测包括( )
A.收集报警信息 B.运用反馈信息 C.检修准备 D.接收作业检修计划 [单选题]元素R的最高正化合价为+5,该元素的含氧酸钠盐中有3个钠离子,则该含氧酸
根的离子符号为( )。 A.RO32- B.RO43 - C.HRO3 D.RO2- [不定项选择题]共用题干
DVD for Rent
1.A pay-for-play system for video DVD will emerge by summer as an alternative,and possibly a competitor,to the DVD format currently available. 2.The new system,called Digital Video Express(Divx),operates like a DVD player, except for the specially coded discs.These will cost $5 for initial viewing over a 48-hour period and can be viewed again for additional fees and even purchased for unlimited viewing. 3.Divx combines the service of a video rental(出租的)store with the operation of a pay- per-view TV channel.Unlike a rented videotape,though,the Divx disc needn't be returned.Customers can retain the disc for replay in the future at an additional fee,or simply throw it away. 4.Subsequent plays,or the purchase of unlimited-viewing rights,are billed to the customer's Divx account and charged to a credit card.The player's built-in memory keeps track of all Divx plays, and sends this information by toll-free phone modem(调制解调器)to the Divx record-keeping centre.Each Divx disc and player has a unique identification code,so the system knows which discs have been played and where. 5 Some Divx discs could be converted for unlimited play at a price likely to be lower than buying a conventional DV D.Others,called Divx Gold,would be sold from the beginning for unlimited play without further charge.Although conventional DVDs will run in a Divx player,conventional DVD players will lack the decoding and communications ability to play Divx discs.Divx players will be offered by Panasonic,RCA,and Zenith. 6 About 100 discs will be available initially from Disney, Dreamworks,Paramount,and Universal, growing to 500 titles within a year. Other film makers have yet to adopt the Divx system,which is owned by retailer Circuit City,the 350-store electronics chain that bankrolled(提供资金)its development. Paragraph 2_________ A.Booming Business of Circuit City B.Superior Quality of Conventional DVD Discs C.The New System Called Divx D.Unlimited Play of Divx Discs E.Disc-play Tracking and Billing Systems F.Two Functions Combined [判断题]行驶系由车架、车桥、悬架和车轮等部分组成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列何病证日久可致噎膈
A. 胃痛 B. 痞满 C. 呕吐 D. 呃逆 E. 腹痛 [多选题]CRH380B动车组下列属于牵引变压器冷却系统组成的是( )。
A.防护网 B.空气过滤器 C.冷却器 D.冷却装置 [多项选择]可摘局部义齿修复中,与基托折裂有关的因素是()。
A. 基托材料强度差 B. 基托边缘伸展不够 C. 薄弱环节未作加强 D. 基托与黏膜不密合 E. 基托太薄 [单项选择]茵陈、金钱草共有的药理作用是
A. 降血脂 B. 解热 C. 降血压 D. 增强免疫功能 E. 利胆 [多项选择]按照交费方式不同,可将年金分为()年金。
A. 分期缴保费 B. 最低保费 C. 趸缴保费 D. 浮动保费 [多选题]下列行为中,可以按照《治安管理处罚法》给予处罚的有 )。
A.郑某违反国家规定,侵入竞争对手W公司的计算机信息系统,并对其造成危害 B.王某违反国家规定,对Q公司计算机信息系统功能进行干扰,造成该公司计算机信息系统不能正常运行 C.朱某违反国家规定,对某小学的计算机信息系统中存储的数据和应用程序进行删除 D.赵某故意制作并传播计算机病毒,影响竞争对手的计算机信息系统正常运行 [单项选择]选择性动脉栓塞术主要不适反应不包括()
A. 头痛 B. 发热 C. 恶心呕吐 D. 全身瘙痒 E. 腹部内脏血管栓塞区疼痛 [单选题]作业人员在距离牵引供电设备高压带电部分(),与回流线、架空地线、保护线不足1m的建筑物或构筑物等设施设备上作业或应急处置前,牵引供电设备停电后,必须采取停电、安设接地线等安全防护措施后方可作业。
A.2m及以下 B.2m及以上 C.3m以上 D.不足2m [单选题] 立式直水管锅炉,由锅壳、炉胆、上下管板、直水管等主要( )组成。
A.结构 B.部件 C.附属设备 D.承压件 [判断题]电气化系统接口,分为内部接口和外部接口。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中国铁路总公司企业标准Q/CR《客货共线铁路电力工程施工技术规程》规定:电力电缆敷设时,高压电缆终端头、中间头处应预留长度不宜小于()。
A.3m B.5m C.7m D.8m [判断题]区间卸车时,装卸车负责人应监督作业人员不得损坏线桥.信号及供电等行车设备。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]施工承包合同中规定的临时用地、停水、停电、中断道路交通、爆破作业等的申请批准手续应由( )负责办理。
A. 承包人 B. 发包人 C. 监理工程师 D. 发包人与承包人共同 [判断题]各级供电单位在营销环节设置的电费账务核算机构应当按照会计机构管理,电费账务核算人员不属于会计人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《局铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》车内各类禁止、警告、安全提示、消防设施等标志齐全,设置明显、规范、美观、大方、统一。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]微束等离子弧焊一般采用大孔径压缩喷嘴及联合型电弧。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )当实际锁定轨温不在设计锁定轨温范围以内时,必须做好无缝线路的放散或调整工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]骨折的移位程度和方向决定于()。
A. 暴力的大小 B. 暴力的作用时间 C. 暴力的作用方向 D. 肢体近端的重量 E. 肢体远段的重量 我来回答: 提交