Revenge is one of those things that
everyone enjoys. People don’t like to talk about it, though. Just the same,
there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge. The purpose is
not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something
that they: are doing to you. Careful plotting can provide you with relief from
bothersome coworkers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members. Coworkers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply. All you have to do is get up extra early one day. Before the sun comes up, drive to each coworker’s house. Reach under the hood of your coworker’s car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap, the car will be unharmed, but it will not start, and your friend A. The girl received a phony message. B. The victim was invited by the girl. C. The girl managed to revenge the victim harmlessly. D. The girl wasn’t expecting the victim. [多选题]配电设备系指20kV及以下配电网中的配电站、开闭所(开关站,以下简称开闭所)、箱式变电站、柱上变压器、柱上开关(包括柱上断路器、柱上负荷开关)、环网单元、电缆分支箱、( )等。
A.A-变电站内开关柜 B.B-低压配电箱 C.C-电表计量箱 D.D-充电桩 [单选题]两端边缘外方与车站站台相连的延伸走廊及其护栏内侧按()。
A.区间管理 B.维修管理 C.轨行区管理 D.物资部管理 [单项选择]科技档案部门通过有偿收集取得对收集对象所有权的收集方法是()。
A. 接收 B. 征集 C. 征购 D. 代存 [判断题]道岔锁闭后,不允许再扳动道岔。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,男,22岁,建筑工人。川、时前从高处坠下,左足先着地,左膝关节过度内翻。伤后左膝关节剧烈疼痛、肿胀和皮下瘀肿。膝关节无法活动,不能行走,膝外翻畸形本骨折多是由何种暴力形式所致()。
A. 直接暴力 B. 间接暴力 C. 撞击暴力 D. 冲击暴力 E. 压缩暴力 [判断题]
公安机关及其交通管理部门接到道路交通事故报警,报警人不报姓名的,应当记录在案。报警人不愿意公开姓名的,也应当记录在案。 A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]“一极一道”能源开发,“一极一道”指的是()。
A. 南极 B. 北极 C. 赤道 D. 北海道 [判断题]探索社会主义发展道路,必须充分吸收入类一切文明成果。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]列检作业量和铁路货车故障的数据明细、统计分析数据、铁路货车运用质量追溯及事故调查等信息应以相关()存储的数据为准。
A.阻容耦合 B.直接耦合 C.变压器耦合 D.互感器耦合 [简答题]简述单位产品缺陷数服从泊松分布的假设条件。
Knowing Your Real Personality from Sleeping Positions Everyone has got two personalities—the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don't show your secret personality when you're awake because you, can control yourself,but when you're asleep,your sleeping position shows the real you .In a normal night,of course,you often change your sleeping positions .The important position that best shows your se- cret personality is the one that you go to sleep. If you go to sleep on your back,you're a very open person .You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by new ideas.You don't like to make people unhappy,so you never ex- press your real feelings.You're quite shy and you aren't very confident. If you sleep on your stomach,you are a person who likes to keep secrets.You worry a lot and you're always easily becoming sad.You never want to change your ideas,but you are satisfied with your life the way it is .You usually live for today not for tomorrow. If you sleep on curled up,you are probably a very nervous person.You have a low opinion of yourself and often protect yourself from being hurt,so you are very defensive .You're shy and you don't usually like meeting people.You like to be on your own. If you sleep on your side,you have usually got a well-balanced personality.You know your strengths and weaknesses.You're usually careful. You have a confident personality.You sometimes feel worried,but you don't often get unhappy .You always say what you think,even if it makes people angry.
What does the word“defensive”mean in the passage?
A.易怒的 B.攻击性的 C.外向的 D.有戒心的 [多选题]AZ同事在检测代理院外送检中的职责描述为:
A.给临床医生进行送检观念教育及产品推广,材料无需NS审批 B.提出耗材补充需求 C.收集解决或反映医生端相关问题 D.发放送检所需耗材给医生/护士 [单选题]低压配电网巡视时,禁止触碰()。
A.低压线路杆塔 B.电表箱体 C.裸露带电部位 D.以上都是 E.lue [单选题]普通标石通常情况埋设在光缆路由()。
A.左上方 B.右上方 C.正上方 D.公路旁 [单选题]工作班成员的变更,应经( )的同意,并在工作票上做好变更记录。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人 D.工作票签发人与工作许可人 [判断题]钢轨40轨属于我国铁路的基本轨型。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患者男,65岁。诊断慢性呼吸衰竭,经过积极治疗,病情好转,护士给其进行呼吸功能锻炼前,应该评估的是( )。
A.体温 B.脉搏 C.营养 D.尿量 E.活动能力 [单项选择]胃十二指肠溃疡急性穿孔的病人,术前准备和非手术疗法护理中,下列哪项是错误的()。
A. 为预防休克,病人应取平卧位 B. 禁食,禁饮 C. 保持有效胃肠减压,减少腹腔再污染 D. 维持水、电解质及酸硷平衡 E. 使用抗生素以控制感染 [多项选择]全口义齿中缓冲区包括()
A. 上颌结节颊侧 B. 切牙乳突 C. 颧突 D. 下颌舌骨嵴 E. 舌系带 [单选题]为保证捣固作业质量,步进式捣固车的捣固频次不宜超过()次/min
A.18 B.20 C.22 D.24 [单选题] 根据《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》GB50500—2013,关于提前竣工的说法,正确的 是 ( )。
A. 招标人压缩的工期天数不得超过定额工期的 50% B. 工程实施过程中,发包人要求合同工程提前竣工,可以不征求承包人意见 C. 发承包双方约定提前竣工每日历天应补偿额度,与结算款一并支付 D. 赶工费用包括人工费、材料费、机械费以及履约保函手续费的增加 [单项选择]关于BOX电缆,下列说法正确的是()。
A. BOX电缆有8对绞合线,全长220m,4道 B. BOX电缆有4对绞合线,全长220m,8道 C. BOX电缆有8对绞合线,全长220m,8道 D. BOX电缆有4对绞合线,全长220m,4道 [判断题]内部审计人员有权自行对外披露所获取的信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
()建成16m2竖炉一座,济钢10m2一座,这两座竖炉的投产标志着我国竖炉技术已进入大型化发展阶段。 A. 萍钢 B. 攀钢 C. 本钢 D. 武钢 [单选题]县级以上人民政府负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门应当建立安全生产(),对违法行为情节严重的生产经营单位,应当向社会公告,并通报有关部门以及金融机构。
A.公告制度 B.不良信用记录制度 C.诚信制度 [判断题]开门指令属于CC的非安全输出
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]通信电源系统集中供电方式由()组成。
A.交流供电系统 B.直流供电系统 C.机房照明系统 D.接地系统 E.集中监控系统 我来回答: 提交