Cheating in sport is as old as sport
itself. The athletes of ancient Greece used potions to fortify themselves before
a contest, and their modern counterparts have everything from anabolic steroids
and growth hormones to doses of extra red blood cells with which to invigorate
their bodies. These days, however, such stimulants are frowned on, and those
athletes must therefore run the gauntlet of organizations such as the World
Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which would rather that athletes competed without
resorting to them. The agencies have had remarkable success. Testing for anabolic steroids (i A. is always accurate and reliable. B. is proved to be inaccurate. C. may sometimes show inaccuracy. D. has helped end doping in sport. [单项选择]年轻恒牙是指()
A. 刚萌出于口内,结构未发育成熟的牙齿 B. 牙冠萌出,形态和结构未完全形成和成熟的恒牙 C. 牙根虽已发育完成但仍粗大的牙齿 D. 牙根形成2/3正在萌出的牙齿 E. 萌出3年以上髓腔大的恒牙 [填空题]Eye behavior, involving varieties of eye-contact, can give subtle
messages which people pick up in their daily life. Warm looks or cold stares tell more than words can. Meeting or failing to meet another person’s eye produce a particular effect. When two Americans look 61. ______. searchingly at each other’s eye, emotions are heightened and the 62. ______. relationship becomes closer. However, Americans are careful about where 63. ______. and when to meet other’s eye. In our normal conversation, each eye contact lasts only a few seconds before one or both individuals look away, because the longer meeting of the eyes is rare, and after it happens, can 64. ______. generate a special kind of human-to-human awareness. For instance, by simply using his eyes. a man can make a woman aware of him comfortably or uncomfortably; a long and steady gaze from a policeman or judge [判断题]保证工程质量及安全施工的具体措施包括冬、雨季的施工措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当设备出现主要技术性能不符合要求、不检修将影响设备正常工作的障碍时,则判定为设备()
A.发生故障 B.发生效率 C.发生漏流 D.网络集成 [单选题]关于诱导阻力,以下说法错误的是?
A.滑翔机为了减小诱导阻力,常将机翼设计成又长又窄的高展弦比机翼 B.飞行速度越快,诱导阻力越小 C.有的机翼上加装了翼梢小翼,目的是增强气流的下洗以增大升力,从而减小诱导阻 力 [名词解释]信息的生命期
[判断题]对浮盘的检查至少每季度进行一次,每次检查应记录浮盘密封设施的状态,记录应保存 1年以上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]限界门揭示牌应安装于机动车辆、兽力车前进方向的( )侧。
A.两侧 B.右 C.左 D.上 [判断题]搬运、装卸有毒、有害物品时,必须按规定穿戴防护用品。《安规》第3.4.5条
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《电力通信安规》,电力通信系统检修前,应确认()。
A.与检修对象相关系统运行正常。 B.与检修对象具有主备(冗余)关系的另一系统、 通道、电源、板卡等运行正常。 C.需转移的业务已完成转移。与检修对象关联的检 修工作已完成。 D.需停用的业务已经过相关业务部门的同意。 E.电力通信网运行中无其他影响本次检修的异常情 况。 [判断题]二氧化碳气体浓度达到5%时,呼吸困难,达到10%时头痛。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]为证明借款人的偿贷能力,银行可接受的收入或财产证明有( )。
A.个人所得税纳税证明 B.租赁合同及租金支出银行流水 C.验资报告 D.过去3个月的工资单流水 E.股东分红决议 [名词解释]半知菌
A. 温度会下降到下限值以下 B. 温度会上升到上限值以上 C. 温度会绕给定值激烈振荡 D. 温度的稳定值不确定 [判断题]因为铸铁的熔点低于燃点,所以铸铁不能进行气割而只能进行熔割。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在铁路线路安全保护区内修建各种建(构)筑物等设施,取土、挖砂、挖沟、采空作业或者堆放、悬挂物品,应征得铁路运输企业同意并签订( )。
A.安全协议 B.施工协议 C.劳务合同 D.经济协议 [判断题]现金业务库岗位设置中,现金业务库主任可疑兼任现金业务库库管员。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]晚期NSCLC药物治疗,若驱动基因阳性+无靶向治疗,中位OS为
A.3.49年 B.2.38年 C.2.08年 D.1.75年 [填空题]防喷器控制系统用()MPa的油压作一次可靠性试压。
A.重庆 B.嘉陵 C.摩托 D.有限责任公司 [填空题]
A.平波电抗器 B.晶闸管 C.续流二极管 D.变压器 我来回答: 提交