Teachers and other specialists in early
childhood education recognize that children develop at different rates. Given
anything that resembles a well-rounded life — with adults and other children to
listen to, talk to, do things with — their minds will acquire naturally all the
skills required for further learning. Take for example, reading. The two strongest predictors of whether children will learn to read easily and well at school am whether they have learned the names and the sounds of letters of the alphabet before they start school, That may seem to imply that letter names and sounds should be deliberately taught to young children, because these skills will not happen naturally. But in all the research programs where they have done just that—instructed children, rehearsed the names and sound A. letter names and sounds are deliberately taught to them B. parents read stories very often without frustrating the children with questions C. they have never learned letters D. they play with letters unconsciously [单选题]药材秦皮来源于
A.萝藦科 B.毛莨科 C.木犀科 D.樟科 E.木兰科 [单选题]列车运行途中司机接到因热轴需停车检查的通知后,应采用( )停车,列车停车后由车辆乘务员负责检查,无车辆乘务员的由司机确认能否继续安全运行,或就近站甩车处理。
A.常用制动 B.紧急制动 C.非常制动 [判断题]对于强行冲越人民警察为履行职责设置的警戒线的,人民警察经警告无效的,可以依据《治安管理处罚法》对其进行处罚。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于精神分析理论的说法,准确的是
A.该理论的核心是强调个体一切行为的基础都有无意识活动的参与 B.在心理咨询中,精神分析理论强调让来访者能够理解和领悟目前困扰与早年创伤之间的联系,个体的这种理解和领悟就是心理问题的解决 C.自由联想是精神分析方法的核心 D.精神分析治疗中强调治疗师对来访者的无条件积极关注 [判断题]遇到老、弱、病、残、孕等行动不便的乘客应主动帮扶乘客。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]裂纹和可能引起<--NRC-->的重伤,应按照钢轨折断进行紧急处理、临时处理或永久处理。
[单选题] 带电断、接空载线路时,作业人员应戴护目镜,并采取( )。 ( )
A. 防感应电措施 B. 绝缘隔离措施 C. 防护措施 D. 消弧措施 [多选题]按照不同用途,绝缘杆可分为()。
A.操作杆 B.支杆 C.拉杆 D.吊杆 [单项选择]屋面防水等级为Ⅲ级,设防道数为一道设防,选用自粘聚酯胎改性沥青防水卷材时,其厚度不应小于______mm。
A. 1.5 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单项选择]口腔修复基本的诊疗手段是:()
A. 充填 B. 手术 C. 制作修复体 D. 对因治疗 E. 对症治疗 [单项选择]某工程网络计划共有十项工作,其中A为起始工作,其紧后工作为B,B的紧后工作为C;A、B、C的持续时间分别为3d、4d、4d;B工作的总时差为2d,则B工作的最迟开始时间为( )d。
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 7 [名词解释]废弃矿区
[单选题]石油产品试验方法标准为国家标准,部标准和( )标准。
A.企业 B.财务 C.车间 我来回答: 提交