Gordon Kent is the kind of tough English northerner
who runs things his own way. Contrary to what is normal in big corporations
today, his company has no remuneration committee, it is short on part-time
directors and it has no qualms about employing family members. Mr Kent is
chairman and chief executive of the engineering fu’m William Kent, which has
been a family business since the middle of the last century. Until a week ago
none of this would have made the headlines. But a rival engineering company has
changed this with its ~58 million hostile takeover bid, putting Kent’s
management style in the spotlight. Kent is a fighter: "Al A. people outside the company think he’s overpaid, B. if he left, the company would lose some of its bank contracts. C. he’s the most important member of the company. D. the value of his work justifies an increase in his insurance policy. [简答题](D—102)气液分离罐液面过高有什么危害?
[判断题]预抽瓦斯和排放钻孔在揭穿煤层之前应当保持自然排放或抽采状态。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]系统性红斑狼疮发病的相关因素是()
A. 雄激素 B. 雌激素 C. 甲状腺激素 D. 抗利尿激素 E. 肾上腺皮质激素 [单选题]木枕根据其在线路上( )的不同,分为普通木枕、道岔木枕(岔枕)和桥梁木枕(桥枕)三种。
A.使用部位 B.使用材质 C.使用条件 D.使用方式 [多选题]以下说法正确的是( )
A.A. 锁闭:将道岔用电气锁闭的办法,将道岔锁在进路所需要的位置 B.B. 解锁:列车通过所排列的进路,联锁设备自动解除道岔的电气锁闭,允许道岔动作 C.C.信号开放时,必须把进路上的所有的道岔锁闭在规定的位置 D.D. 信号机开放时,与所建立进路的敌对进路不能建立 [判断题] 理想是信念的延伸和体现,信念是理想的基础和支撑。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]⼴告施⼯⾼处作业在桁架、脚⼿架、作业平台上作业时穿鞋有讲究,适合⾼处作业的鞋是防滑鞋。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]厨房布置的重点是确定厨房的操作顺序及相应的设备配置,有目的地安置各种设备,尽量完善各项功效,合理安排操作顺序。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列药物不属于木香槟榔丸处方中的药的是
A.天仙子 B.枳壳 C.槟榔 D.陈皮 E.木香 [单选题]设置代办股份转让业务的管理部门至少配备( )名有资格从事证券承销业务和证券 交易业务的人员专门负责信息披露业务。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [单项选择]
国家在《食品标签通用标准》中规定,食品命名“必须采用表明食品真实属性的专用名称”。某女士购买了“银耳燕窝百合泥”罐头食品,经检测发现其主要配料为苹果、银耳和百合,而燕窝根本就没有。企业的这种做法() A. ①② B. ②③ C. ③④ D. ①③ [多选题] 2015年版第五套人民币100元纸币上应用了横竖双号码防伪特征,它具有() )的特点
A.横号码和竖号码的颜色一致 B.横号码和竖号码的位数一致 C.横竖双号码均带有荧光特征 D.横号码和竖号码的字型一致 我来回答: 提交