Successful business tends to continue implementing
the ideas that made them successful. But in a rapidly changing world, ideas
often become obsolete overnight. What worked in the past won’t necessarily work
in the future. In order to thrive in the future, you must constantly create new
ideas for every aspect of your business. In fact, you must continually generate
new ideas just to keep your head above water. Businesses that aren’t creative
about their future may not survive. Although Bill Gates is the richest, most successful man on the planet, he did not anticipate the Internet. Now he’s scrambling to catch up. If Bill Gates can miss a major aspect of his industry, it can happen to you in your industry. Your business needs to continually innovate and create its future. Gates is now constantly worried about the future of Micro A. constant reassessment of their situations B. reinvention C. 15% rule D. being around since 1902 [单选题]垂直作业是指双线电化区段,上、下行接触网同时( )进行的接触网作业。
A.封锁 B.停电 C.施工 D.维修 [多选题]车载外围设备有哪些()
A.车载显示屏幕 B.速度传感器 C.应答器天线 D.无线天线 [判断题]导出的镜像大小没有限制。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]按照贷款使用年限的长短,分为( )。
A. 短期贷款 B. 中期贷款 C. 长期贷款 D. 一年期贷款 E. 十年期贷款 [单选题]尿毒症患者(ccr低于5ml/min)蛋白质摄入量是( )
A. 20g/d,并适量补充必需氨基酸 B. 0.5-0.8g/(kg.d),其中60%以上为优质蛋白质 C. 0.8-1.0g/(kg.d),其中60%以上为优质蛋白质 D. 1.1-1.2g/(kg.d),其中60%以上为优质蛋白质 E. 1.2-1.5g/(kg.d),其中60%以上为优质蛋白质 [单选题]当员工的目标比较具体又富有挑战性,而且能及时得到有关情况反馈时,他们会做得更好,因此,利用( )可以减轻工作压力,增强员工的工作动机。
A.强化员工组织 B.目标设置 C.强化员工正式的组织沟通 D.工作再设计 [填空题]( )是酸雨形成的主要原因。
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