Passage Three
Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them; our purpose is to prepare them for life. As soon as we realize this fact, we will understand that it is very important to choose a system of education which will really prepare children for life. It is not enough just to choose the first system of education one finds, or to continue with one’s old system of enducation without examining it to see whether it is in fact suitable or not.
In many modem countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that, by free education for all-whether rich or poor, clever or stupid--one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough; we find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees than there are jobs for them to fill. Because of their degrees, they refus
A. work with brains
B. work with hands
C. the work that people do at home
D. the work scientists do in the lab
Eleven-year-old Angela had something
wrong with her nervous system. She was unable to {{U}} (21) {{/U}} . In
fact, she could hardly make any {{U}} (22) {{/U}} . Although she believed
that she had a {{U}} (23) {{/U}} chance of recovering; the doctors said
that {{U}} (24) {{/U}} , if any, could come hack to normal after getting
this disease. Having heard this, the little girl was not {{U}} (25)
{{/U}} . There, lying in her hospital bed, she {{U}} (26) {{/U}} that
no matter what the doctors said, her going back to school was {{U}} (27)
{{/U}} . She was moved to a specialized health center, and whatever method could be tried was used. Still she would not {{U}} (28) {{/U}} . It seemed that she was {{U}} (29) {{/U}} . The doctors were all fond of her and taught her about {{U}} (30) {{/U}} that she could make it. Every day Angela would l A. noticed B. supposed C. believed D. discovered [判断题]电力线路的作用是输送和分配电能。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Not all people got their names (21) their fathers. Some got their names from the places they (22) . For example, a family had lived in a village (23) many green trees and plants was called Green or Greenberg. (24) they lived in a town called Moor, they were (25) the Moores. A. Another B. Other C. Others D. A [单选题]在尽头线上调车时,距线路终端应有( )m的安全距离。
A.10 B.30 C.15 D.20 [简答题]《集团公司高速铁路突发事件应急预案》中,动车组故障需启用热备动车组,区间换乘时热备动车组时应如何处置?
[判断题]认定构成欺凌的,应当对实施或者参与欺凌行为的学生作出教育惩戒或者纪律处分,并对其家长提出加强管教的要求,必要时,可以由法治副校长、辅导员对学生及其家长进行训导、教育。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高处作业人员在作业过程中,应随时检查安全带是否栓牢。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用放大和缩小的人民币图样,放大和缩小的比例必须不低于( )。(2%)
A.15% B.20% C.25% [单项选择]连锁经营这一经营方式最早出现在哪国?()
A. 日本 B. 英国 C. 美国 D. 中国 [单选题]抽出的药液、开启的静脉输入无菌液体超过几个小时后不得使用? ( )
A. 2小时 B. 4小时 C. 12小时 D. 24小时 [单选题]结肠手术术前准备哪项不正确:
A.术前会阴部备皮 B.术前1~2天进流质饮食 C.术前清洁灌肠 D.术前1~2天静脉应用抗生素 E.术前插胃管 [简答题]简述绩效考评指标体系设计的程序以及绩效考评标准的设计原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]
设立在西部地区的某生产性外商投资企业(从事国家鼓励类产业),于1998年1月开业经营,经营期为20年,当年获利。经当地主管税务机关审核,享受免征、减征企业所得税的税收优惠政策。2004年,该企业的应纳税所得额为2200万元,2005年,该企业的有关资料如下: [单项选择]鼻骨侧位摄影时与胶片垂直的是
A. 听眦线 B. 听眶线 C. 听鼻线 D. 听口线 E. 瞳间线 [单选题]5.离子色谱仪使用安培检测器时检测器输出低的原因是.。
A.安培池工作电极与对电极短路 B.工作电极沾污 C.进样前没有调零 D.垫片和电极间泄漏 [单项选择]A workaholic is a person who________.
A. has to work at least 8 to 9 hours a day B. volunteers to work for long hours C. is addicted to work D. has the work with more responsibility than others 我来回答: 提交