It is a matter of common observation
that although incomes keep going up over the years, people never seem to become
much better off! Prices are rising continuously. This condition is termed one of
inflation; the money supply is becoming inflated so that each unit of it becomes
less valuable. People have grown accustomed in recent years to higher and higher
rates of inflation. What could be bought ten years ago for one dollar now costs
well over two dollars. Present indications are that this rate of inflation is
tending to rise rather than to fall. If in the real world our money incomes go
up at the same rate as prices one might think that inflation do not matter. But
it does. When money is losing value, it lacks one of the qualities of a good
money — stability of value. It is no longer acceptable as a store of value; and
it becomes an unsuitable s A. inflation will remain to be a problem B. the business will prosper C. money will hold its value D. inflation poses no problem [单选题]在管理的各项职能中,()的目标是使整个活动按既定的计划和标准进行。
A.领导职能 B.决策职能 C.控制职能 D.组织职能 [单选题]KB(千字节)是度量存储器容量大小的常用单位之一,这里的1KB等于______。
A.1000个字节 B.1024个字节 C.1000个二进位 D.1024个字 [判断题]压缩机处在卸载状态是制冷量不足的原因之一
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]属于变压器固定自动灭火系统全面巡视要求的是()
A.统组件的外观无漏水、碰撞变形及其他机械性损伤 B.变压器固定自动灭火系统控制柜完好无锈蚀、接地良好,封堵严密,柜内无异物 C.变压器固定自动灭火系统基础无倾斜、下沉、破损开裂 D.变压器固定自动灭火系统控制屏压板的投退、启动控制方式符合变电站现场运行专用规程要求 [单选题]具备化学发光免疫分析的最重要的条件是
A.反应过程中必须保证信号接收的灵敏度 B.反应过程中必须保证产生足够的光量子 C.反应过程中必须保证有发光物质对光的吸收 D.反应过程中必须保证产生足够的激发能 E.反应过程中必须保证有发光物质对光的发射 [判断题]道口护桩应高出路面0.8m,涂有100mm 黑白相间的线条。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]系统安全理论包括很多区别于传统安全理论的创新概念,其中在事故致因理论方面,改变了人们只注重操作人员的不安全行为,而忽略硬件故障在事故致因中作用的传统观念,开始考虑如何通过改善( )来提高复杂系统的安全性,从而避免事故。
A. 物的系统可靠性 B. 设备的可靠性 C. 物的稳定性 D. 设施的可靠性 [单项选择]慢性肺源性心脏病降低肺动脉高压治疗首选()
A. 氧疗 B. 利尿剂 C. 强心剂 D. 呼吸兴奋剂 E. 支气管扩张剂 [单选题]按照国家税务总局实名办税要求,“刷脸验证”是指将相关人员的实时人像信息直接或间接与国家人口库的个人信息进行比对,验证实名信息的真实性;办税服务厅办理下列业务时不需要“刷脸验证”的是( )。
A.发票票种核定 B.增值税专用发票最高开票限额审批 C.办税服务厅办理的出口退税类实名事项 D.税务注销 [单项选择]HLH蛋白( )。
A. 在序列组成上与原核生物螺旋-转角-螺旋蛋白具有相关性 B. 通过环区与DNA结合 C. 形成两个α螺旋与DNA的大沟结合 D. 由形成两性螺旋,其中疏水残基位于螺旋的一侧 E. 以上都不是 [名词解释]菌环
A.端子 B.铁壳 C.电线路 D.地线 [单项选择]Joan of Arc would be proud. Edith Cresson, France’s first woman Prime Minister, has taken office with avow to lead the country into a battle whose outcome will be as fateful as any fought by the Maid of Orleans. "There’s a world economic war going on, and France is not waging it," Cresson warned last year. Now the combative Prime Minister is preparing an offensive to create jobs at home, win markets abroad and keep France in the economic fight. "We are confronted," she says, "with the need to build a balanced Europe, where France is as strong as Germany." Turning to Japan, she warns, "I don’t want hundreds of thousands of jobs to disappear, and to lose our technology and means of wealth."
Fighting words at a time when the French, more than ever before, are obsessed with their ability to compete in the global marketplace. Despite illustrations of daring technological progress, such as the TGV and, earlier, the Concorde, "the French really have an industrial inferiority complex," sa A. there is no focus in French economy. B. there is no balance in French economy. C. there is no innovation in French economy. D. there is no advantage in French economy. [多选题]火灾的发生,必须同时具备的条件有()
A.可燃物 B.助燃物 C.着火源 D.风 E.空气 [单选题]功能性消化不良的主要症状不包括哪项
A.早饱 B.上腹灼热感 C.上腹痛 D.排便后上腹不适可缓解 E.餐后饱胀 [单选题]C类惩处对应标准是( )?
A.解除劳动合同、降级、降职 B.解除劳动合同、通报批评、记过 C.通报批评、警告、严重警告 D.通报批评、降级、降职 [判断题]装、拆接地线均应使用绝缘棒和戴绝缘手套。( 通密度的单位名称)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]任何运行中星形接线设备的中性点,应视为()设备。
A.大电流接地 B.不带电 C.带电 D.停电 [单选题]、下列何种细胞与免疫应答无关?( )
A.肥大细胞 B.巨噬细胞 C.成纤维细胞 D.淋巴细胞 E.浆细胞 [单选题]下列属于可再生资源的是( )。
A.波浪能 B.煤炭 C.石油 D.天然气 [单选题]活动的评估内容不包括( )
A.职业 B.信仰 C.文化程度 D.性别 E.年龄 [单项选择]男性,55岁,左上腹部不适9个月,查:脾位于肋下4cm,血红蛋白50g/L,白细胞1.2×109/L,血小板4000×109/L。
下列哪种治疗见效最快 A. 美法仑 B. 白消安 C. 羟基脲 D. 放射性磷 E. 环磷酰胺 [单选题]慢性肾功能不全高磷血症的治疗措施为( )
A.口服碳酸钙 B.静脉注射碳酸氢钠 C.补充活性维生素D D.肌内注射促红细胞生成素 E.血液透析 [单项选择]属于配伍禁忌的是()
A. 相须 B. 相使 C. 相畏 D. 相杀 E. 相恶 [填空题]机车乘务组以外人员登乘机车时,除铁路机车运用管理规则指定的人员外,须凭( )登乘。J346
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列说法正确的是 。( )
A.采用静载荷试验的方法进行检验,当总桩数不少于50根时,不应少于1根; B.灌注桩每浇注100m2 必须有1组试件; C.凡非冲击力沉桩均按静力压桩考虑; D.硫磺胶泥半成品应每50kg做一组试件(3件)。 我来回答: 提交