A long, imaginary prose (散文) story
about people is usually called a novel. It can be about any kind of man, woman, or child. It can be a- bout kins (空族) , or Chicago newsboys, or convicts (罪犯) , or housewives. The Frenchman, Victor Hugo, wrote his novel Les Miserables about a poor man who stole a loaf of bread to keep from starving (饿死).The American, Ernest Hemingway, wrote A Farewell to Arms about a young American with the Italian Army in World War I A novel can tell the story of any kind of action, over any period of time. The modern Irish (爱尔兰的) writer, James Joyce, covers less than twenty-four hours in Ulysses. Yet Joyce takes a thousand pages to tell all that happens from the time one man gets up in the morning until he goes to bed early the next morning. A German writer, Herman Hesse, uses only one hundred and fift A. not fixed B. a lifetime C. twenty-four hours D. three years [简答题]分析国民经济评价的基本步骤。
[单项选择]After the investigation, it was concluded that the old man was responsible for the accident.()
A. 在这次检查后,得出的结论是这位老人对这起交通事故负责。 B. 在这次调查后,人们觉得这起交通事故完全是这位老人的责任。 C. 在这次检查后,人们觉得这起交通事故完全是这位老人的责任。 D. 在这次调查后,得出的结论是这位老人对这起交通事故负责。 [多选题]吞咽障碍的代偿性训练包括( )
A.侧方吞咽 B.空吞咽与交替吞咽 C.用力吞咽 D.点头样吞咽 E.低头吞咽 [判断题]风动工具应有安全套(环)保证工具头连接牢固。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]设立专门从事放射性固体废物贮存.处置的单位,必须经( )环境保护行政主管 部门审查批准,取得许可证。
A.所在地县级以上 B.所在地省级 C.所在地省级以上 D.国务院 [单选题]工作票所列人员的安全责任中工作前对被监护人员交待监护范围内的安全措施、告知危险点和安全注意事项是( )的安全责任。
A.工作票签发人; B.工作负责人(监护人); C.工作许可人; D.专责监护人 [简答题]某桥梁桥台采用扩大基础,桥墩采用钻孔灌注桩基础。为确保基础施工质量符合设计要求,需要设置质量控制点,并做好完工后的检验工作。
A. 出现于心底部 B. 音调低 C. 开瓣音提示瓣膜弹性和活动性尚好 D. S2后0.05秒 E. 历时较长而响亮 我来回答: 提交