In the course of my reading I had come
across a case where, many years ago, some hunters on our Great Plains organized
a buffalo hunt for the entertainment of an English earl and to provide some
fresh meat for his use. They had charming sport. They killed seventy-two of
those great animals and ate part of one of then and left the seventy-one to rot.
In order to determine the difference between all anaconda and an earl, I had
seven lambs turned into the anaconda’s cage. The grateful snake immediately
crashed one of them and swallowed it, then lay back satisfied. It showed no
further interest in the lambs and no inclination to harm them. I tried this
experiment with other anacondas, always with same result. The fact stood proven
that the difference between and earl and an anaconda is that the earl is cruel
and the anaconda i A. are not always ready to help the poor B. are inclined to gather more riches C. tend to accumulate vast of wealth D. cheat the ignorant and commit wanton cruelty [判断题]正常换折或损坏换折可由他人代为办理,其中损坏换折还需要提供客户及代理人有效身份证件。换折后,存折密码仍为原密码。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]同一文书、证据材料涉及两个以上案卷的,应当按照刑事案卷优于行政处罚卷、行政处罚卷优于其他具体行为卷、具体行为卷优于其他案卷的原则存放原件,其他案卷存放复印件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在严格防范风险的前提下,简化企业债券发行核准程序,加强企业债券存续期监管工作,扩大企业债券发行规模,增加企业债券( )。
A. 数量 B. 品种 C. 发行时间 D. 发行范围 [多项选择]检修设备停电,包括以下哪些措施()
A. 各方面的电源完全断开。任何运行中的星形接线设备的中性点,应视为带电设备。不应在只经断路器断开电源或只经换流器闭锁隔离电源的设备上工作 B. 拉开隔离开关,手车开关应拉至“试验”或“检修”位置,使停电设备的各端有明显的断开点。无明显断开点的,应有能反映设备运行状态的电气和机械等指示,无明显断开点且无电气、机械等指示时,应断开上一级电源 C. 与停电设备有关的变压器和电压互感器,应将其各侧断开 D. 以上均不是 [单选题]依据《建筑工程施工发包与承包计价管理办法》规定,国有资金投资的建筑工程招标的,应当设有( )。
A.A、最高投标限价 B.B、招标标底 C.C、最低投标限价 D.D、工程成本 [单选题]1954年9月,第一届全国人民代表大会第一次会议召开,标志着( )在我国的建立。
A.人民代表大会制度 B.社会主义制度 C.人民民主专政 D.人民政府 [单选题]氢气在空气中的爆炸浓度下限为( )。[中]
A.2.0% B.4.0% C.4.7% D.5.0% [多选题]护理实践中的广义的有利原则应包括( )
A.对病人有利 B.对人类健康有利 C.对护理人员有利 D.对护理事业发展有利 E.对护理科学发展有利 我来回答: 提交