Perhaps it’s the weather, which
sometimes seals London with a gray ceiling for weeks on end. Or maybe it is
Britons’ penchant for understatement, their romantic association with the
countryside or their love of gardens. Whatever the reason, while other cities
grew upward as they developed, London spread outward, keeping its vast parks,
its rows of townhouses and its horizon lines intact. But as the city’s population and its prominence as a global business capital continue to grow, it sometimes seems ready to burst at the seams. In response, developers are turning to a type of building that use A. Drivers were charged a toll to enter the city on weekdays. B. A 40-story tower was completed this year. C. A handful other tall buildings have received the planning permission. D. A dozen more tall buildings have been proposed. [单项选择]铁粒幼细胞性贫血的特点除外()
A. 总铁结合力降低 B. 网织红细胞正常或上升 C. 血清铁升高 D. 血清铁蛋白升高 E. 转铁蛋白饱和度降低 [单选题]消防控制室、消防水泵房、防烟与排烟风机房的消防用电设备及消防电梯等的供电,应在其配电线路的最末一级配电箱处设置(____)装置。
A.自动切换 B.报警 C.自动启动 D.启动 [单选题]违反治安管理所得的财物,公安机关应当予以()
A.收缴 B.追缴 C.上缴 D.没收 题型:单选题 [单选题]项目专职安全生产管理人员应当对专项施工方案实施情况进行现场监督,对未按照专项施工方案施工的,应当要求立即整改,并及时报告项目负责人,项目负责人应当及时组织限期整改。()
A.正确 B.错误 C./ D./ E./ F./ [判断题]建筑施工企业从事建筑施工活动前,应当向市级(含市级)以上建设主管部门申请领取安全生产许可证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《铁路交通事故应急救援和调查处理条例》规定:繁忙干线客运列车脱轨()以上并中断铁路行车48小时以上的为特别重大事故。
A.15辆 B.10辆 C.18辆 D.20辆 [单选题]药物与特异性受体结合后,可能激动受体,也可能阻断受体,这取决于
A.药物是否具有效应力(内在活性) B.药物的作用强度 C.药物的脂/水分配系数 D.药物的剂量大小 E.药物是否具有亲和力 [单项选择]根据席位的报盘方式不同,交易席位可以分为( )。
A. 有形席位和无形席位 B. 普通席位和专用席位 C. 购入席位和售出席位 D. 代理席位和自营席位 [单项选择]Alan Johnson advises New Yorkers to ______.
A. bravely face the ugly aspect of the city B. take everything as unavoidable C. say good-bye to the city D. be friendly with each other [单项选择]关于子宫内膜癌的描述,下列哪项不正确
A. 子宫内膜腺瘤样增生过长属于癌前病变 B. 子宫内膜不典型增生属于癌前病变 C. 子宫内膜癌前病变包括原位癌 D. 子宫内膜上皮肉瘤样病变分三级 E. 轻度子宫内膜上皮肉瘤样病变可自行逆转为正常内膜 我来回答: 提交