How hard is it to get beautiful hair
Beautiful hair cannot be taken for granted. Environmental factors, chemical treatments and the mechanical damage done by combs, brushes and blow dryers all have a bad effect on the hair in the long run. The hair parts into thin pieces, loses its brightness, becomes hard and easily broken and develops split ends.
Our Heated Scissors (剪刀), a new approach to pretty hair, is a modem technological device available in most cities now.
No hairdresser (美发师) needs to be told how crucial the quality of a pair of scissors is. But all the same, few have imagined a cutting tool as sharp as razors ( 剃须刀 ). What’s more, the heating element is located in the interior of the edges, with the best possible heat transference to the cutting edges. Heated cutting edges with individually adjustable temperatures seal the cuts instantly. The cut end of the hair is closed up smoothly and neatly.
Right from the very first cut
{{B}}Text{{/B}} Liwan is the name of Guangzhou’s southwest district, bordered by Renmin Lu to the south and west. Not so long ago, in the{{U}} (26) {{/U}}1900s, this area of the city was renowned{{U}} (27) {{/U}}its Cantonese restaurants, gardens, teahouses and boat rides on{{U}} (28) {{/U}}many waterways. This was at a time{{U}} (29) {{/U}}the Liwan area was{{U}} (30) {{/U}}into a new town in much the same way{{U}} (31) {{/U}}the Tianhe area is now becoming the place to be in Guangzhou. Today, though, the Liwan district{{U}} (32) {{/U}}rapid development{{U}} (33) {{/U}}new high-rise apartment buildings are mushroomin A. pride B. proudly C. pridely D. proud [单选题]插座型号应根据所控电器的()类别来选用。
A.单相 B.三相 C.防触电 [判断题]俗称圆头尾纤的是FC系列的光纤连接器。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]轨道车起重装卸作业可随意派人指挥和防护。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]适用简易程序实施行政处罚时,应当向行政相对人准确无误地告知以下哪些内容()。
A. 违法事实 B. 处罚理由 C. 依据、种类、幅度 D. 依法享有的权利 [单选题]无论放大电路输入端采用串联反馈还是电流反馈,只要输出端采用并联负反馈的方式,其输出电阻都要()。
A.减小 B.不变 C.放大 D.增加(1+AF)倍 [单选题]遇到洪水来临,可迅速向()转移,等待救援。
A..空旷处,如操场、广场、田野等 B..高处,如结实的楼房顶、大树上 C..人多的地方,如商场、影剧院、大街上 D..以上都不对 [单选题]雷达生命探测仪长时间不用请每个月开机一次,每次工作至少( )
A.60min B.100min C.1min D.10min 我来回答: 提交