The old man stood there at a loss, his
sunken eyes staring at the man seated behind the table. Raising his hand, he
wiped the sweat from his forehead and heavily wrinkled face. He didn’t use the
traditional kerchief and headband as usual, though he could feel the sweat
running down his temple and neck, and he gave no reply to the man seated behind
the table who went on asking him, "Why did you go in opening all the doors of
the wards looking for your wife Why didn’t you come directly to Enquires " The
old man kept silent. Why, though, was the man seated behind the table continuing
to open one drawer after another His eyes busy watching him, he said, "I came
here the day before yesterday wanting the hospital and looking for the mother of
my children." The man seated behind the table muttered irritably A. He showed much tolerance to the old man. B. He often pat on airs before people of lower status. C. He refused to respond to the old man’ s enquiries. D. He seemed to lose his patience too easily. [多项选择]根据《环境影响评价技术导则-地下水环境》,关于Ⅱ类建设项目地下水环境现状调查与评价的范围,说法正确的是()。
A. 现状调查与评价的范围应包括建设项目建设、生产运行和服务期满后三个阶段的地下水水位变化的影响区域 B. 必要时应扩展至完整的水文地质单元,以及可能与建设项目所在的水文地质单元存在直接补排关系的区域 C. 应特别关注相关的环境保护目标和敏感区域 D. 应特别关注水文地质复杂程度 [单选题]SVC、STATCOM操作原则,操作前,需全面评估设备投入或停运后对系统的影响,应充分考虑操作后可能引起()变化。
A.系统 B.阻值 C.电流 D.电压 [多选题]班组工作标准化是使班组工作( )。
A.制度化 B.程序化 C.科学化 D.可操作性强 E.适应性强 [简答题]在智能组网施工过程中,网线长度不够的,可以使用逐对扭接的方式,增加所需长度网线。
[单项选择]医学信息服务的最终受益者是( )。
A. 医师 B. 药师 C. 病人 D. 护士 E. 医院 [单项选择]Why is there "an embarrassment of choice" (in the last paragraph) for cashmere addicts now
A. Because fashions change too fast for cashmere addicts to follow. B. Because the styles of Scottish Borders Cashmere are not attractive though all colors are available. C. Because cashmere addicts have very few choices, that embarrasses them. D. Because cashmere addicts have so many choices in every color and fashion that they are at a loss. [单选题]江城市爱民食品厂因生产不符合食品安全产品被食药监局处以相应行政处罚,在以下哪种情形下,其无权要求举行听证( )
A. 责令停产停业 B.吊销许可证件 C. 20 万元罚款 D.暂扣许可证 [填空题]信封加封仅限对 的纸币加封。
[多选题]政府预算的基本特征包括( )。
A.法律性 B.预测性 C.集中性 D.综合性 E.公平性 [判断题] 埋弧焊电弧的电场强度较大,电流大于或等于100A时,电弧不稳,因而不适于焊接厚度大于3mm的钢板。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]开始搭设立杆时,应遵守下列规定:( ):
A.每隔6跨设置一根抛撑,直至连墙件安装稳定后,方可拆除 B.搭设立杆时,可以不必设置抛撑和连墙件,一直搭到顶 C.采用钢丝和结构固定,待立杆搭设到顶后,再回过头来安装连墙件 D.相邻立杆的对接扣件都可在同一个水平面内 我来回答: 提交