Passage 3 Providing for a payment mechanism or the transfer of funds is one of the important functions performed by commercial banks, and it is increasing in importance as greater reliance is placing on the use of checks and credit cards. The increasing efficiency with which funds are managed is indicated by the gradual decline in money holdings relative to the gross national product over the years, despite the increase in the number of financial transactions. In recent years the only kind of money that has increased relative to national income is coin, primarily because of the growth of metering and vending machines. As we can see, at present check deposits are assuming a larger portion of the transaction load, and they are, being used more, efficiently. Most of the checks in the nation are cleared through the commercial ban [多项选择]供电所配电营业班主要负责()。
A. 配电设施巡视、运维检修、故障抢修及装表接电 B. 用电检查、计量和用电信息采集设备运维 C. 核(补)抄和催费、客户用电现场咨询、停电通知 D. 安全用电管理和电力设施保护 [单选题]复用段开销处理器如果在下行信号中检测到K2(bit6,7,8)=111,则上报告警( )。
A.HP RDI B.R LOS C.MS RDI D.MS AIS [单项选择]国内货物运输保险的费率厘定考虑的主要因素不包括()。
A. 运输方式 B. 运输工具 C. 货物的性质 D. 货物的价值 [单项选择]不属于环境流行病学调查基本内容的是()。
A. 调查环境中已知有害因素是否已影响人群健康,并研究其流行病学特征 B. 调查人群中已知的健康危害是否与环境有关 C. 调查传染病的暴发特征 D. 研究环境污染与人群健康的剂量反应关系 E. 考核环境改善后的效果 [填空题]Is It Cheaper to Be a Woman—or a Man
A.To celebrate the launch of gender equality in financial services, the Guardian explored other areas of spending to find out if there’s discrimination—and after crunching the numbers found the cost of being a woman is (mildly unscientifically) 6% more than a man. Clothes B.Some retailers charge different prices for near identical items, depending on whether you are in the men s or the women s sections. You might think that men s clothes should cost more as they are likely to involve more material, and this is the case at some shops—at Uniqlo, for instance, skinny jeans are £5 more, a cashmere sweater £10 more. However, other retailers charge women more: at Next, for example, you will pay £24 for a "supersoft robe" dressing gown, while a man’s is £22. Women’s Levi’s jeans are £20 more than the £70 for men’s 501s. Overall, where there was a difference, if you bought the same number of identical [多项选择]骨折治疗过程中下列哪些是妥当的()
A. 复位 B. 固定 C. 功能锻炼 D. 适当的药物治疗 E. 对病人进行宣教,取得配合 [单选题]GB/T16129-1995居住区大气中甲醛卫生检验标准方法分光光度法中的0.5%AHMT溶
液配制完成后需置于( )瓶中,可保存( )。
A.棕色,3个月 B.棕色,6个月 C.透明,3个月 D.透明,6个月 [单项选择]在我国,工程量清单计价主要在( )使用。
A. 投资估算阶段 B. 设计概算阶段 C. 施工图预算阶段 D. 招投标阶段 [判断题]专责监护人临时离开时应通知被监护人员停止工作或离开工作现场,待专责监护人回来后方可恢复工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]诊断成年女性贫血的标准为血红蛋白浓度低于
A.140g/L B.130g/L C.120g/L D.110g/L E.100g/L [判断题]地价监测点总数应综合考虑城市规模等级、建成区面积等因素确定,直辖市不应低于120个。( )
[单选题]婴儿学习分享和宽容的方法有( )。
A.强化婴儿对“我的”概念的理解 B.家长对婴儿不宽容 C.如果与别人争吵,建议婴儿做出适当让步 D.不用成人的言传身教 [单项选择]Passage Two
Questions29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. A. Patients. B. Doctors. C. Hospitals. D. Medical schools. [判断题]AD199系列机型标配有冷却风扇。
A. 监管资本 B. 预算资本 C. 经济资本 D. 会计资本 [判断题]NO7信令中,信令可以利用局间中继中的TS0传输
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
某输油管道规格为DN100,则该管的公称直径为( )。 A.100m B.100cm C.100dm D.100mm [单项选择]下列哪种船舶应避免在航道内锚泊().
A. 任何船舶 B. 帆船 C. 从事捕鱼船 D. 机动船 [单项选择]设F是一个森林,B是由F转换得到的二叉树,F中有几个非叶结点,则B中右指针域为空的结点有( )个。
A. n-1 B. n C. n+1 D. n+2 我来回答: 提交