It sounds like a science fiction, but
researchers say it’s a scientific fact: Microscopic organisms dubbed "killer
algae" are paralyzing fish with unknown toxins and then eating away at their
flesh. {{U}}They{{/U}} might be making people sick, too. The name given to this single-cell organism, or dinoflagellate, is Pfiesteria piscimorte—{{U}}literally{{/U}}, "fish killer." It was discovered at North Carolina State University in 1988, but at the same time, few scientists believed in its existence, much less in its highly unusual predatory nature. But ongoing research has led to international acknowledgment of the phenomenon and, recently, research funding. Seemingly {{U}}prompted{{/U}} by an unknown substance secreted by fish, the aggressive creature swims into action. It sends neurotoxins into the water and air, paralyzing a fish’s nervous syste A. Neurotoxins. B. Microscopic organisms. C. Predators. D. Fish walks. [单项选择]在线虫中,()基因表达的结果将引起细胞的程序性死亡。
A. WT1 B. BMP7 C. ced-3和ced-4 D. FGF2 [单选题]急性脊髓炎的好发部位是:
A.颈髓段 B.胸髓(T3~T5)段 C.腰髓段 D.骶髓段 E.脊髓任何节段 [单项选择]The child was ( ) for getting his shoes and socks wet.
A. stopped B. blame C. accused D. complained [单选题]高压水枪是指喷射压力大于()MPa,与高压消防泵及高压软管卷盘配套使用,具有直流和喷雾功能的消防枪。(易)
A.2.5 B.2 C.1.6 D.1.2 [单选题]下列哪项属重度烧伤( )
A. 烧伤面积(Ⅱ度)20% B. Ⅲ度面积9% C. Ⅲ度面积2.5% D. 烧伤面积25%并吸入性损伤 E. 烧伤面积>50% [简答题]案情:张某与王某因口角发生扭打,张某将王某打成重伤。检察院以故意伤害罪向法院提起公诉,被害人王某同时向法院提起附带民事诉讼。
问题: 如果在一审程序中,法院审查王某提起的附带民事诉讼请求后,认为不符合提起附带民事诉讼的条件,法院应当如何处理 [判断题]根据《温州银行员工行为守则》,我行员工可视情为本行客户代签、代办与本行有关的各类业务。 (判断题)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于PDCA循环说法不正确的一项是( )。
A.PDCA 循环是一种科学的工作方法 B.循环不停地转动,每转动一周提高一步 C.循环是一个综合性的循环,每个循环不得遗留问题 D.循环各个环节互相联系,彼此促进 我来回答: 提交