Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers compare and contrast various places on the earth. But they also (51) beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a whole. The English word geography means "to describe the earth. " (52) geography books focus on a small area like a town or city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an (53) continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another (54) to divide the study of geography is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the (55) starts with human beings and studies how human beings and their environment act (56) each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject, (57) branch can neglect the other. A geographer might be described as one who observes, records, and explains the (58) between places. If al
A. extensive
B. entire
C. overall
D. enormous
Life at Aichi University I’m Yamamoto Mika, a 22-Year-old Japanese girl. I’d like to invite you to Aichi University so you can understand my life. Our university has a close relationship with China and my department is the only one of its kind in Japan. My courses include the Chinese language, modern Chinese politics and economics. I love the Chinese culture and I have been to Tianjin as an exchange students. In Japan, our courses are divided into compulsory(必修的), optional (选修的) and specialized(专修的) courses. However, we have a flexible schedule. We can choose classes from a wide range of options. Many students finish the compulsory courses in three years so that they can have one year with out any classes. They often use this period of time to study abroad, conduct res A. Inviting government officials to dinner. B. Organizing various activities. C. Interviewing celebrities. D. Promoting clubs. [单项选择]分离沸点不同的成分最好采用()
A. 萃取法 B. 冷冻法 C. 升华法 D. AgNO3硅胶色谱法 E. 分馏法 [不定项选择题]共用题干
The Robot Man
According to Hans Moravec,universal robots will take over all the physical activities that we engage in,leaving us with little to do.Moravec sees four generations on the road to true universal robots. The first generation will be here by 2010 and will consist of free-ranging robots that can navigate by building an internal mental map of their surroundings.In new situations they'll be able to adapt,unlike today's mobile industrial robots.These robots will have the computing power to cope with simple speech and text recognition,and will be used for tasks such as domestic clean-ing. The second generation will arrive around 2020 and will be distinguished by the ability to learn .Second generation robots are programmed with sets of primitive tasks and with feedback that provide"pleasure"and"pain"stimuli .For example,a collision provokes a negative response,a completed task would be positive. Move forward another ten years to 2030 and you get to generation three.This robot can build internal simulations of the world around it. Before beginning a task,it can imagine what will happen in order to predict problems.If it has a free moment,it can replay past experiences and try variations in order to find a better way of如ing things next time .It could even observe a person or another robot performing a task and learn by imitation.For the first time,we have here a robot that can think. By the time we get to generation four in 2040,Moravec predicts that robots will be able to: match human reasoning and behaviour;generalise abstract ideas from specific experience;and, conversely,compile detailed plans of action from general commands such as"earn a living"or "make more robots". The Moravec manifesto(宣告)runs something like this. As robots start to become useful in generation one,they'll begin to take on many tasks in industry.Driven by the availability of this cheap and tireless labour force,the economy will boom and the demand for robots will grow so rapidly that they will soon become lowcost commodity items.So much so that they'll move into the home,where the domestic robot will relieve us of many chores. With increasing automation in generations two and three,the length of the average working day will plummet,eventually to near zero. Most people will be unemployed as robots take over not just primary industry,but the service economy too.Moravec sees the fourth generation as an opportunity to surpass our human limitations. These future machines will be our"mind children".Like biological children of previous generations,they will embody humanity's best hope for a long-term future. Which of the following statements is true of the future robots? A.They will relieve us of many chores. B.They will take over the information industry. C.They will never surpass us. D.They will become high-cost commodity items. [单项选择]女性患者,24岁,发作性头痛伴呕吐8年,每次发作持续2~3h,头痛前常有视物模糊。对于该患者,头痛发作时最好选用
A. 卡马西平 B. 麦角胺咖啡因 C. 苯嚷啶 D. 普萘洛尔(心得安) E. 阿司匹林 [单选题]湿热灭菌效果比干热灭菌效果好体现在
A.穿透速度更快 B.温度升的更高 C.介质为热空气 D.可以灭菌粉剂 E.可以灭菌油剂 [多选题]下列属于社区居民自我保健的是
A.坚持体育锻炼,保持适量运动 B.合理营养和平衡膳食 C.保持心态平衡 D.戒烟 E.自我预防 [单选题]依据《生产安全事故隐患排查治理体系通则》,根据隐患整改、治理和排除的难度及其可能导致事故后果和影响范围,分为()隐患。
A.重大事故和较大事故 B.一般事故和较大事故 C.一般事故和重大事故 D.事故和重大事故 [单项选择]由中国围棋协会命名的第一个围棋之乡是()。
A. 浙江省天台县 B. 浙江省余姚县 C. 浙江省嵊县 D. 浙江省慈溪县 [多项选择]可用郁金治疗的病证有()
A. 气滞血瘀胸胁腹痛证 B. 热病神昏证 C. 癫痫痰闭证 D. 肝胆湿热证 E. 血热出血证 [不定项选择题]A.可可豆脂
A.十二烷基硫酸钠 B.卡波普 C.羊毛脂 D.丙二醇 E.可作潜溶剂的是 [单选题]( )是孩子内在差异性的外在表现,包括他们对外界刺激的反应程度、对刺激的关注时间、运动活动的程度、他们的生物节律有规律和没有规律的范围,以及他们对情绪的自我调节水平。
A.气质 B.性格 C.脾气 D.本性 [判断题]中等变质程度的煤接触角最小,年轻和年老的煤接触角较大。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下穿桥涵顶进、管桩、桥梁桩基或承台基坑边缘等施工,打桩地段或路基变形速率较快或有持续变形时,供电设备监测频次不少于( )小时1次,并应根据监测结果调整打桩速率。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]液压系统工作时,液压阀突然关闭或运动部件迅速制动,常会引起液压冲击。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]吊钩的危险断面磨损量达原尺寸( )时,则该吊钩应报废。
A.0.03 B.0.05 C.0.1 D.0.15 [判断题]遵守工艺规程和工艺纪律是对机械加工职工的基本要求。
[多选题]关于电流互感器下列说法错误的是( )。
A.二次绕组可以开路 B.二次绕组可以短路 C.二次绕组不能接地 D.二次绕组不能短路 [单选题]制动开关检测方法正确的是( )
A.制动开关信号变化由小到大成线性变化 B.制动开关信号变化由大到小成线性变化 C.查看数据流制动开关状态应不变化 D.用万用表测制动开关动作信号 [单项选择]地下管道防腐绝缘层检漏仪在进行检漏作业时,遇到防腐绝缘层有漏点时,接收机检到的信号()。
A. 减弱 B. 增强 C. 不变 D. 变化 [单选题]国网Ⅲ型终端地址错误,处理方法是核对终端地址、(____)、更换终端地址开关、重设密钥参数。
A.更换终端 B.重设地址 C.更换调制解调器 D.更换电台 [单选题]( )常见的螺纹联接中,要增大摩擦力的防松装置是_____。
A.弹簧垫圈 B.开口销 C.紧定螺钉 D.止退垫圈 [单选题]鉴别水肿型和出血坏死型胰腺炎最有价值的是
A.上腹剧痛向左腰背部放射 B.黄疸 C.发热 D.Cullen 征 E.呕吐 [多选题]违章按照性质分为( ).
A.管理违章 B.行为违章 C.人员违章 D.装置违章 [简答题]他认为他们之间的婚约只不过是个交易而已。(no more than)
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