On Being a Matchmaker The first thing I do when I wake up is to make a mental list of all things I have to do that day. I’m very organized! Then I get up and have my bath. Often my best matchmaking(媒人) ideas come while I’m in the bath. Sometimes I have a really good idea about who might be good with whom. Before I did matchmaking, I was a social worker, but I knew I wanted to do something without bosses telling me what to do and that I am good at dealing with people. Also I had seen too many broken marriages and too many people go downhill because they were so lonely. So I gave up my job, did a bit of research and started the matchmaking business in 1970. Over the last few years we’ve been doing introductions throughout Europe as well as here in Britain. Europeans want to meet A. frank B. kind C. hard working D. critical [判断题]特种作业是指容易发生人员伤亡事故,对操作者本人、他人及周围设施的安全有重大危害的作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]进站信号机的灯光熄灭、显示不明或显示不正确时,视为( )信号。
A.轻裁起升 B.中载起升 C.重裁起升 D.超裁起升 [单选题]相电压是()间的电压。
A.相线与相线 B.相线与中线 C.中线与地 D.相线与地 [单选题]“4431”程序中的“1”是指( )。
A.一项专项勘查 B.每个询问对象都必须作一份笔录 C.一份火灾事故责任书 D.一份火灾事故认定书 [单项选择]寻找共同的利益点,先解决次要的分歧点,搁置主要的分歧点,设法创造条件并拖延时间,使冲突降低其重要性和尖锐性,从而变得好解决。这种消除破坏性冲突的方法属于()
A. 缓和法 B. 折中法 C. 转移目标法 D. 资源开发法 [填空题]离心式通风机的全称包括名称、()、传动方式、()、()、机号等六部分。
[多选题]采取( )措施可防止热对流造成火势的蔓延。
A.控制通风口 B.冷却热气流 C.把热气流导向没有危险的地方 D.任由热气流流动 [单项选择]计算机学院负责建设的党员工作站是哪两个?()
A. 第四和第十三学生公寓工作站 B. 第三和第十三学生公寓工作站 C. 第四和第十四学生公寓工作站 D. 第五和第十五学生公寓工作站 [单项选择]
已知反应2NO(g)+Br2(g)=2NOBr(g)的反应历程是: A. 零级 B. 一级 C. 二级 D. 三级 [判断题]工作期间,专责监护人若需暂时离开工作现场,应指定能胜任的人员临时代替,离开前应将工作现场交待清楚,并告知全体工作班成员。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]“一心、一身、一杯、一边”其中“一”在非去声音节前变去声。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交