The majority of successful senior
managers do not closely follow the classical rational model of first clari-
lying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options, estimating likelihoods
of success, making a decision, and only then taking action to implement the
decision. Rather, in their day-by-day tactical maneuvers, these senior
executives rely on what is vaguely termed "intuition" to manage a network of
interrelated problems that require them to deal with ambiguity, inconsistency,
novelty, and surprise; and to integrate action into the process of
thinking. Genera A. A manager risks taking an action whose outcome is unpredictable. B. A manager performs well-learned and familiar behavior patterns in creative and uncharacteristic ways to solve a problem. C. A manager suddenly connects seemingly unrelated facts and experiences to create a pattern relevant to the problem at hand. D. A manager swiftly decides which of several tactics to implement to deal with a problem. [单选题]电磁调速电动机采用了( )反馈的闭环控制系统。
A.电流 B.电压 C.速度 D.温度 [多项选择]期货交易所会员的保证金不足时,会员应在期货交易所规定的时间内()。
A. 或追加保证金 B. 或减少保证金 C. 或自行平仓 D. 或增加持仓 [多选题]关于印发《南昌铁路局动车组列车运行时车门发生故障客运应急处置规定》的通知(南铁客〔2017〕42号),列车到站,( )操作门释放和开门按钮后,应从IDU界面上或MON界面上确认全列车门是否“释放”打开,如未“释放”,及时使用对讲机通知列车长。
A.司机 B.随车机械师 C.列车员 D.安全员 [简答题]所属知识 : -> 电工技师理论知识 -> 专业知识 -> 使用仪表 -> FLUKE 1625接地电阻测试仪的使用方法
使用FLUKE1625接地电阻测试仪测试时,插座符号闪烁表示测量导线连正确。 [多选题]2.100. 第100题
停电信息中现场送电类型包括( )。 A.全部送电 B.部分送电 C.未送电 D.延迟送电 [判断题]2.6 驾驶人边驾车、边打手持电话是违法行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]远动系统取点,可以通过监控后台输出。
[单项选择]An analysis of workplace trends shows that employee perks, a reliable indicator of job market strength, are beginning to make a comeback. While not as Extravagant as those offered in the late 1990s, companies clearly are shifting their focus from workforce reduction to workforce retention. Firms realize that they require a foundation of experienced, trained, and motivated workers. These employers are improving and/ or adding perks to prevent an exodus of workers that could occur as the economy continues improving. They also may be looking further down the road when severe labor shortages are expected to return.
An analysis of perks offered in today’s workplace shows that many of the 1990s-style benefits, such as game rooms and luxury car leases, have been abandoned. The perks that remain popular with employers and employees are those that help workers stay healthy, career focused, and financially stable. Perhaps the most appreciated are those that help individuals maintain work-li A. the constant improvement of economy in the US. B. the demand of experienced and well-trained employees. C. the demonstration of its market strength indicator. D. the possible lack of workforce in the near future. [填空题]前庭器包括____、____和____三种,蜗器即____。
A. 毛蚶略呈三角形或扇形 B. 泥蚶壳外面放射肋18~21条 C. 魁蚶壳外面放射肋42~48条。 D. 毛蚶延伸的放射肋30~34条 E. 质坚,气微,味淡。 [判断题]在10kV带电设备附近立、撤杆塔,杆塔、拉线、临时拉线、起重设备、起重绳索应与带电设备保持的最小安全距离为1米。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]过滤式自救器只适用于空气中一氧化碳浓度不大于()%,氧气浓度不低于18%的条件下。
A.2 B.1.5 C.2.5 [单选题] 方钻杆球阀、钻杆回压阀、投入式单向阀等属于( )。
A.钻具外防喷工具 B.钻具内防喷工具 C.加重钻井液装置 D.控制装置 [判断题]线路、设备区域、场段、仓库、公共区域等发生火灾,造成1万元以上5万元以下直接经济损失或重要资料、档案毁损。依据运营安全事报告及调查处理实施细则可判定为一般E类事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]变压器或线路等设备过负荷时,相应设备维护单位应加强对过负荷设备的( )、( ),做好变压器( )、( )监测和负荷监控,并及时将异常情况汇报调度值班员。
[单选题]患者男,78岁,患慢性支气管炎30年,有吸烟史35年,每天抽烟两包。护士拟对其进行戒烟相关的健康教育,首先应该( )。
A.评估教育需求 B.确定教育目标 C.制定教育计划 D.实施教育计划 E.评价教育计划 [单项选择]()是全球通信网络和计算机网络的总和?
A. 因特网 B. 局域网 C. 区域网 我来回答: 提交