The first true piece of sports
equipment that man invented was the ball. In ancient Egypt, as everywhere,
pitching (投掷) stones was a favorite children’s game. But a badly thrown rock
could hurt a child. Looking for something less dangerous to throw, the Egyptians
made what were probably the first balls. At first, balls were made of grass or leaves held together by vines (藤). Later they were made of pieces of animal skin sewed together and stuffed (塞满) with feathers or hay. A. throwing stones often caused injuries B. throwing stones was not fun C. games with stones did not have rules D. rocks were too heavy to throw [判断题]智慧营销系统支持农商行自建特色产品。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]如风邪偏盛,症见项背强直,恶寒,头痛汗出,苔薄白,脉沉细,病属柔痉,治宜:
A. 和营养津 B. 疏散风邪 C. 调和营卫 D. 养阴生津 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]辅助工资原则上一般不超过工资总额的( )%。
A.5$ B.$8$ C.$10$ D.15 [多选题] 以下跨境人民币产品, 属于融资类产品的是( ) 。
A.人民币账户融资 B.人民币 NRA 福费廷 C.跨境参融通 D.境外项目人民币贷款 [填空题]电子邮件软件都具有______、发送电子邮件的功能和其他辅助功能。
[单选题] ( )按输出的流量能否调节可分为定量泵和变量泵(易)
A.液压马达 B.液压缸 C.液压泵 D.滤油器 [单选题]若周转时间为16小时,一个大循环中包括( )小循环。
A.A. 2次 B.B. 3次 C.C. 4次 D.D. 5次 [单选题]数据库检修工作结束前,应( )。
A.重新启动设备 B.验证相关的业务系统运行正常 C.验证设备工作正常 D.验证配置策略符合要求 [单项选择]“膈倒转”常见于哪种疾病( )
A. 膈肿瘤 B. 横膈疝 C. 横膈麻痹 D. 两下肺实变 E. 大量胸腔积液 [单选题]手套的面料必须是( )的。(易)
A.助燃 B.阻燃 C.易燃 D.难燃 [单项选择]He ______ several jackets and finally picked out a blue one.
A. tried on B. went on C. took on D. got on [单选题]突发事件初期由OCC主任调度负责总体指挥,主任调度组织()任命属地人员为第一任现场总指挥,OCC负责发布相应信息。
A..行车调度 B.环控调度 C..值班站长 D.维修调度 [简答题]In Plato’s Utopia, here are three classes: the common people, the soldiers, and the guardians chosen by the legislator. The main problem, as Plato perceives, is to insure that the guardians shall carry out the intention of the legislator. For this purpose the first thing he proposes is education.
Education is divided into two parts, music and gymnastics. (46)Each has a wider meaning than at present: “music” means everything that is in the province of the muses, and “gymnastics” means everything concerned with physical training fitness. “Music” is almost as wide as what is now called “culture”, and “gymnastics” is somewhat wider than what “athletics” mean in the modern sense. Culture is to be devoted to making men gentlemen, in the sense which, largely owing to Plato, is familiar in England. The Athens of his day was, in one respect, analogous to England in the nineteenth century: (47) there was in each an aristocracy enjoying wealth and social prestige, but having n [单项选择]由卫生部评审并颁发卫生许可证批件的涉及饮用水卫生安全的国内产品是()
A. 水处理剂、除垢剂、水质处理器 B. 防护涂料、水质处理器、除垢剂 C. 水质处理器、防护涂料、新材料和化学物质 D. 水质处理器、防护涂料、除垢剂 E. 水处理器、防护涂料、除垢剂 [简答题]74、什么是汽轮机的极限功率?
A. 子宫脱垂Ⅰ度轻者 B. 子宫脱垂Ⅱ度者 C. 子宫脱垂Ⅲ度者 D. 合并阴道前、后壁膨出 E. 保守治疗无效者 我来回答: 提交